Blue Aventurine: Meaning, Properties and Uses

One of the most beautiful precious and semi-precious stones on the planet is the blue aventurine. If you like to collect gems, this specimen is a must for your showcase. Therefore, we invite you to pay the utmost attention to all the data that we have prepared for you in this informative article.

The blue aventurine gem is a highly prized mineral in the market thanks to its properties. First of all, it is a piece that is widely used in the field of ornamental jewelry. But over time, different esoteric properties have also been attributed to it.

basically the blue aventurine It is a stone that is part of the extensive group of silicates, it is also a chalcedonic variety of quartz, so it retains all its physical and chemical properties. It is also one of the most striking varieties of the aventurine stone.

Either way, it’s one of the best known minerals worldwide with a high valuation, regardless of the use that is given to it.

Why is it blue?

What gives this gem its beautiful blue color are the inclusions of blue lepidolite, a type of phyllosilicate within the group of micas minerals.

But the color is not the only interesting thing about the stone, in fact, what gives it beauty and what arouses the interest of gemstone collectors is the adventurous phenomenon that occurs in the gem.

The adventurescence is like a frost-like effect or when the stone is exposed to light it shines as if it had frost inside, in this case blue.

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Mineralogical characteristics

The blue aventurine It belongs to the trigonal crystalline system, with a primary formation principle. It is part of the mineral class of oxides and silicates, specifically in the quartz group. Consequently, their physical composition is very similar, having a hardness level of 7 on the Mohs scale.

This mineral forms in magmatites, that is, mass of molten rocks at the volcanic level. can also be found at crystal clear slates and sediments, being a rock of metamorphic origin. It is of very fine origin and its color is dark, presenting a laminated structure.

On the other hand, it is characterized by having inclusions of other minerals that manage to vary the color. At the same time, they cause very bright reflections, known in the market as adventurous effect.

blue aventurinePhysical, chemical and characteristic properties
ClusterSilicates – tectosilicates
Chemical compositionSiO2
crystalline systemhexagonal / trigonal
crystalline habitmassive, cryptocrystalline
Mohs hardness7
Specific weight2.7

Important deposits

Even though the blue aventurine It is a stone belonging to the quartz family, it is not as common as other specimens. It has a more difficult to find microcrystalline appearance. The most important deposits are located in Italy, Brazil, Russia, China and India.

In these places, aventurines have been found not only blue, but in multiple shades. Generally, the color blue is related to a mixture of silicon dioxide and dumortierite and is extracted mostly in Brazil.

Blue Aventurine Mineral Meaning

First of all, it is important to note that the esoteric meaning of this stone has no scientific verification. The truth is that many cultures over the years have attributed their spiritual benefits. Be that as it may, many people around the world trust this stone.

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The meaning of his name refers to the adventure, where the first specimen was found by chance, precisely in a adventure travel. This gem is related to the empower thoughtful of crystals and the development of capabilities psychic.

For this reason, those who believe in its powers say that it resonates in the third eye chakra and the throat chakra.

Properties of the blue aventurine stone

The blue aventurine is a crystal used for overcome bad habits such as overeating, substance abuse, and dissolving negative traits. Consequently, it would reduce selfishness, aggression and vices, such as smoking or drug use.

It is also thought that the stone helps grow personally, discovering how to manage life successfully. It would help to foster maturity, knowing how to take advantage of adult life in a practical way. At the same time, it is considered a leadership stone which earns its bearers respect.

Reduces nervousness, promotes calm and favors concentration on the pitch professional, artistic and public.

Healing benefits

In the physical field, its users say that it reduces the chronic stiffness and pain relief muscle and joint. It is also linked to the calm of hyperactivity, improving mental focus and concentration. It is also related to overcoming insomnia, headaches and migraines.

In theory, it provides a cooling effect to reduce fever, while reducing respiratory system problems. It is believed that it regulates hormones, blood oxygenation and strengthens the venous walls.

However, let’s remember that these properties do not have proven scientific evidence, and that they are only beliefs of various cultures in the world.

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Blue Aventurine Gem Uses

Those who resort to their assumptions spiritual and esoteric benefits they use the stone as an amulet or talisman. In the same way, elixirs are often made, especially in the medicinal field. Other people carry it in their luggage, have it under their pillow or hang it in the office.

However, its most practical use is in jewelry, being common in bracelets, necklaces, earrings, rings and ornamental pieces. In short, if you like precious and semi-precious stones Don’t hesitate to buy one blue aventurine. In this respect it has uses similar to blue quartz the lapis lazuli stone and the blue agate.

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