Pink Diamond: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Good morning collectors of minerals and precious stones, this time I bring you a post about the pink diamond, one of the most impressive gems and minerals in nature. Here you will learn its meaning, physical properties and what it is for.

The pink diamond is a striking but very rare variety of diamond gemstones. It is composed entirely of carbon and therefore also belongs to the group of native minerals. It is a very valuable gem because the pink color in diamonds is quite rare.

Why is this diamond pink?

The pink color in diamonds is due to the fact that, during the ascent of the crystal from the upper mantle, it suffered several geological events that extremely distorted the internal crystalline structure of the gemstone, in such a way that it created slip planes in the atoms carbon.

These slip planes or internal dislocation absorb wavelengths of light selectively and transmit them in a pink hue to the observer. It is for this reason that pink diamonds are very valuable due to their rarity.

Physical and chemical properties of pink diamonds

pink diamondProperties and Characteristics
Mineralogynative mineral, native element
ChemistryCarbon (C)
Mohs hardness10
ColorPink, Pink, Light Pink, Dark Pink, Hot Pink
Glossbrilliant adamantine
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
cleavageOctahedral in 4 directions
Specific weight3.4 to 3.6

Pink diamond stone meaning

The pink diamond gems they are very elegant to look at and are directly related to emotions and affective love relationships. It is used for swear eternal love to that special person in your life. Furthermore, it is believed fosters love and trust in a couple with your friends and with your family.

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If you want your love relationship or marriage to always remain firm and constant, the pink diamond is effective in keeping all emotions intact, basically it is an oath of eternal love. Finally, it also symbolizes d sweetness, passion, romanticism and nobility.

How is the pink diamond formed?

Diamonds form in the diamond stable zone about 200 kilometers deep in the upper mantle. Initially, this mineral is transparent, however, when the crystalline gemstone begins its ascent towards the crust, it undergoes various geological processes that deform the internal structure of the mineral.

Some of these geological processes can be:

  • Deformation by geological faults in the crust
  • Pressure increase by hydrothermal fluids that surround the gem
  • Crushing deformation of surrounding rocks affected by geological faults

The deformation is usually so extreme that it generates dislocation planes in the carbon atoms that make up the precious gem and it is these planes that absorb and transmit light in pink tones towards the observer. This is very different from what happens, for example, with blue diamonds or yellow diamonds, which owe their color to impurities within the crystal.

Famous pink diamonds

The pink diamond Pink Star

The Diamond Pink Star it is the largest and most beautiful pink diamond known to this day. It was mined in South Africa in 1999. The gemstone weighed about 132 carats in the rough and displayed a spectacular and rare pink color. After being carved it weighed about 60 carats and was presented in Monaco in 2003. The precious gem was later put up for auction and sold for more than $71 million to a private jewelry company called Chow Tai Fook.

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The pink diamond Graff Pink

It’s a pink diamond very beautiful that belonged to an American private jeweler named Harry Winston. The diamond was mounted on a spectacular ring that was later sold at auction at a value of 46 million dollars on November 16, 2010. Until that date it was the most expensive pink diamond, however, it was later surpassed by the Pink Star diamond.

Uses of pink diamonds What are they for?

Uses as a gemstone and in jewelry

It is clear that one of the most important uses that pink diamonds have is as gemstone in jewelry high end. One of these gems can easily exceed even $5,000 depending on the rarity and quality of the stone.

With this precious stone beautiful accessories are created such as rings, earrings, earrings and necklaces. In fact, throughout history these precious gems have been part of very famous rings that have even exceeded the price of 70 million dollars.

As an engagement ring

Pink diamonds are one of the rarest, most exotic and most beautiful gemstones in the world, in fact, they are one of the most coveted gems by couples who wish to acquire a marriage commitment. A pink diamond is a symbol of commitment and eternal love that seals the union between couples for life.

Uses as a collection stone

You may have noticed that this mineral is very rare in nature, almost as rare and valuable as red diamonds. For this reason, it is highly coveted by collectors of minerals and precious stones who are able to pay large sums of money to obtain a sample of this mineral.

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Esoteric and energetic uses

People who believe in the energetic properties of crystals affirm that the pink diamonds They are very powerful gems or stones capable of providing benefits such as love, self-esteem, happiness and abundance to their owners. In fact, they claim that the pink diamond is one of the most powerful energy crystals within the group of love stones.

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