Tsavorite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

The tsavorite gemstone was discovered by British geologist Campbell R. Bridges in 1967 in the Tsavo Game Reserve in Kenya and was named after Harry Platt of the Tiffany Company (New York) who immediately recognized its potential due to its gemological rarity and it has become one of the most valuable gemstones in the world.

What is the Tsavorite?

The tsavorite stone is a green variety of the mineral grossular, which is basically a species of the group of garnets. Therefore it is considered as a calcium-aluminum silicate mineral with traces of vanadium or chrome that give it the green color.

Its beauty is such that the greenish tones of the tsavorite gem They are even comparable toemerald stoneHowever, it must be taken into account that the tsavorite it is much rarer than emerald and yet the crystals are generally quite small.

Properties and characteristics of the mineral tsavorite

The mineral tsavorite is characterized by having a fairly high hardness on the Mohs scale of 7 to 7.5, this property makes it highly appreciated in jewelry that, combined with its beautiful color and transparency, are used to make various top-level jewelry accessories.

The mineral is considered a Nesosilicate and is part of the grossular group, a type of garnet that also occurs in pink tones.


the color of the tsavorite gemstone it is normally deep green and varies towards yellowish green and bluish green. This will depend on the impurities of vanadium and chromium in the composition of the crystal, since it is a variety of garnet it is also named as green grossular.

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As for its color, it is quite similar to the emerald and when it appears in bluish tones it is compared to the tanzanite stone.

tsavoritePhysical and chemical properties
class, groupSilicate, Nesosilicate, Garnet, Green Grossular
Chemical compositionCa3Al2Si3O12
Mohs hardness7-7.5
specific gravity3.60-3.68
Refractive index1,740
FluorescenceStrong: orange red
crystal systemCubic
diaphanousnessTransparent to Translucent
Colorlight to deep green
SourceMadagascar, Kenya, Tanzania
ChakraHeart (4th)

Tsavorite stone meaning

The tsavorite stone is considered a rare and powerful gemstone related to the Heart Chakra. Its green-green spectrum harmonizes with the life-giving force of the heart and the energy of renewal.

It is also considered as the gemstone of personal growth and is said to help one move forward in life with a positive mindset and a sense of confidence.

In addition, the tsavorite stone is believed to stimulate creativity, new ideas, inspirations and life goals. It can ground the vitality of the heart chakra in the physical realms, helping to unify your life goals and aspirations with the here and now.

Emotional properties of the gem

It is said to be a excellent crystal to calm the emotional stages break in a relationship or broken. It is believed to help foster and build self-confidence, and in fact the brilliant green color of the gem dispels feelings of inadequacy.

Also in many cultures they think that the stone increases creativity, imagination and reduces financial anxieties.

Spiritual properties of the stone

The tsavorite stone is thought to attract abundance, from physical and materialistic wealth and even religious connection to God. It keeps the wearer straight on the path at all levels and stages of life.

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This gem is believed to make one learn about gratitude and spread their learning.

Deposits of the tsavorite gem

Although the tsavorite gemstone is found in both Tanzania and Kenya, the finest and most valuable tsavorite, exhibiting the purest green hues, is only found in Tsavo, Kenya, where it was discovered by geologist Bridges Campbell.

This remote and remote wildlife-infested bushland along the Kenya-Tanzania border has a history of violent volcanic activity. Due to these geological conditions, tsavorite is only found in relatively small sizes so stones over 2.5 carats are considered very rare and valuable.

Tsavorite Gem Uses

Uses as a gemstone and in jewelry

Unlike other very similar precious stones such as emerald or tanzanite, tsavorite rarely appears in the form of large crystals, often this precious stone does not exceed 1 centimeter.

However, this stone is characterized by being resistant and very beautiful thanks to its striking green color that varies to bluish-green and yellowish, which is why it is used to make excellent pieces of jewelry such as rings, earrings, pendants, necklaces and more.

Furthermore, thanks to his high refractive index and high levels of dispersion, makes this stunning green gemstone incredibly brilliant and eye-catching.

Uses as a birthstone

Birthstones are gemstones that represent people who are born in a certain month, in which case tsavorite stone is considered as a birthstone for people who are born in the month of January.

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