Onyx Stone: Meaning, Properties and Uses

if you are a collector of precious and semi-precious stones, the onyx is one of the specimens that you cannot miss. Next, we are going to talk about all its characteristics, properties and most frequent uses. In this way, you will become familiar with one of the most impressive works of nature.

What is the onyx stone?

The onyx gem consists of one of the varieties of precious and semiprecious stones with the most connotations. Over time, different properties have been attributed to it, both mineralogical and esoteric. First of all, it is described as a solid black chalcedony.

It is also considered a type of agate that appears as black and white bands, with black being the dominant color in the stone. Therefore it is a mineral that belongs to the group of silicates, tectosilicates and specifically it is a chalcedonic variety of quartz.

On the other hand, there are those who define it as black and white chalcedony that presents layers or bands. The term of his name has occasionally been used to describe stones engraved with solid colors. The same is true in the case of precious gems with parallel layers.

mineralogical characteristics

The onyx, as it is also known, belongs to the quartz family, so their composition is similar. Its main color is black, although bands and streaks of white tones are frequent. The hardness level on the Mohs scale is rank 7 and belongs to the hexagonal crystal system.

On the other hand, the refractive index is between 1.54 and 1.55, with a transparency of translucent to opaque. Finally, the luster is vitreous and the neckline indiscernible.

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onyx stoneProperties and Characteristics
group, classSilicate (tectosilicate), type of agate, chalcedony quartz
shine or lustervitreous to cerulean
ColorBlack and white banded, black dominates
pleochroismYes presents
diaphanousnesstranslucent to opaque
Chemical formulaSiO2
Mohs hardness7
FluorescenceIf you present
Density or specific weight2.6 to 2.7 g/cm3
crystalline systemtrigonal
Way of presenting or habitin agate bands

Important deposits

The onyx is one of the hardest to find gems in the world, so its economic price is higher than that of other stones. There are three main deposits throughout the planet, located in Uruguay, Brazil and India.

Onyx gem meaning

For many people it is considered a protection gem It has the ability to effectively absorb negative energies. Subsequently, it converts it into positive energies, promoting human vitality. Generally, it is believed that helps build stamina, both physically and mentally.

Now, it is important to note that your esoteric meaning It has no scientific verification. In fact, different cultures over the years have attributed these properties to it. With the passage of time, they spread through the generations and today the onyx has become a spirit stone very popular.

Curiosities about onyx

It is one of the precious and semi-precious stones oldest discovered on the face of the earth. Since ancient times, this gem has been used in jewelry and the manufacture of different ornamental pieces. Depending on the color that is presented, the meaning could vary a bit.

Although the black color is its main color, certain specimens come in shades white, brown and red. The latter are related to human feelings, such as love and passion.

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In addition, this mining piece is considered the traditional black gemstone globally.

Onyx mineral properties

To the onyx different properties are attributed to it, depending on the field where it is applied. As we already mentioned, no scientific endorsement has been able to confirm these claims. But more and more people are turning to stone to obtain their healing benefits.

Its best-known properties are the following:

On an emotional level

It is believed that this stone manages to relieve moments of great stress and helps to make important decisions. the onyx stone would promote prudence, making it easier to achieve goals. Those who seek to properly meet personal goals usually view the stone as an amulet.

On a spiritual level

There are those who say that this stone is used to maintain physical, emotional, mental and spiritual memories. Likewise, it is thought that it provides stability, eliminates fears and enhances personal security. In harmony with the previous aspect, they use their spiritual properties to make decisions with greater courage.

It is a stone linked to faith and the achievement of dreams.

On a physical level

It is common to see the use of this mineral as a treatment for hair, nails and skin. In theory, it strengthens the structure of all these areas of the body, making it look younger. In the same way, stone is used as fortifying and emollient to prevent premature aging.

There are also people who use the onyx gem black in color to treat brain disorders. However, being a source of alternative medicine without medical verification, it is preferable to consult a professional. The psychologist or psychiatrist is the most qualified person to determine the treatment.

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Finally, it has been popularized that the onyx encourages sincerity and authenticity, coming to create transparent people. Apparently, it promotes relaxation and helps maintain lasting and healthy social relationships.

Uses of the onyx stone

The use of onyx depends on the point of view of each person, depending on their beliefs. who claim to get spiritual and esoteric benefits of the gem, they usually carry it as an amulet. It is used as a meditation stone and talisman with the aim of improving the interior of the human being.

Being considered a stone of protection, it is always carried when traveling or doing important activities. However, the main use of this gem, and the only one with professional certification, is in the field of jewelry. Normally it is a main material for beads and cabochons. In this type of use it is very similar to what is done with black agate.

It is usual to see the gem in rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets with an accessible economic value, which is why many gem collectors even compare it with smoky quartz and black quartz. Finally, it is also used to carve small statues.

How to clean onyx stone

who believe in their alleged spiritual powers, they clean it by immersing it in water with sea salt and near a transparent quartz. It is said that in this way negative energies are eliminated. However, its cleaning at the garment and gem level is done with a little water and a clean cloth.

In short, it is one of the precious and semi-precious stones with more demand and value in the market. Be sure to acquire your own collector’s item!

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