Staurolite: Characteristics, Meaning and Uses

Staurolite is a mineral that belongs to the group of silicates and has a characteristic brown and black color. It can also have slight white, opaque and gray shades. It stands out for having concentrations of iron, zinc and magnesium, although the amount varies depending on the specimen.

It is basically a medium to high grade regional metamorphism indicator mineral that occurs frequently in gneiss and even granulites and is associated with sillimanite, garnet, andbiotite.

Over the years, the stone has been used for different purposes. In fact, certain magical and spiritual powers, despite not having professional or scientific certification. Be that as it may, here we will analyze each and every one of its details.

How to recognize it?

One of the most important characteristics of this mineral is that it occurs in the form of twins in the form of a cross or in the form of an X, that is to say that the crystals seem to intersect with each other.

Mineralogical characteristics

stauroliteProperties and characteristics
class, groupsilicate, nesosilicate
Chemical formula(Fe2+,Mg,Zn)2Al9(Si,Al)4O22OH2
ColorBrownish black, dark brown, reddish brown, yellow brown, brownish yellow
Stripewhite to greyish
Glossvitreous to matte
crystalline systemmonoclinic
crystalline habit3 mm crystals, short prisms, frequent cruciform twins
Density3.71 g/cm³

Staurolite consists of a regional metamorphic mineral formed by the fusion of kyanites, micas and garnets. As we already mentioned, its main color is reddish, although it is possible to see varieties brownish, yellow and black. Its stripe is white to grey, with a luster of vitreous to matte.

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Belongs to monoclinic crystal system, with a hardness level on the Mohs scale of 7 to 7.5. Eventually, it goes from translucent to opaque, rarely transparent, and its tenacity is brittle.

Important deposits

The best mineral deposit of this stone is located in Swiss, where it is found in elongated crystals. It can also be exploited in Russia, although the crystals are larger and with trimmed day matrices. Also, specimens are seen in the United States, specifically with simple floater crystals.

Staurolite stone meaning

It’s true, your spiritual meaning It is not scientifically proven, but it is still very popular. The name of this stone comes from the Greek words stauros Y lithos, which translated means cross-shaped stone. Therefore, it is known as the fairy cross, being considered a protection stone.

It is also linked to good luck, where the gem is sought as a talisman. Theoretically, it strengthens and enhances the rituals in all kinds of magical ceremonies. Apparently, connects the spiritual planes with the physical ones and encourages communication.

Staurolite mineral properties

It is a mineral that is linked to the psychological field, where it would be useful to alleviate the depression, remove the addictions and reduce the stress. Therefore, he would become a great ally for those who wish to quit drugs, cigarettes and the like. In addition, it would manage to mitigate the effects that these substances cause in the body.

Staurolite Uses

People who believe in its magical benefits seek the stone as a talisman, amulet, and meditation object. It is used in much of magical ceremonies and in the connection physical and etheric planes. However, its only application proven and endorsed by scientists is in jewelry.

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This crystal is used to carve pieces that are very attractive to the eye. Likewise, it is a highly sought after variety by collector of precious and semi-precious stones. This specimen looks great in the display case and can even make a nice gift.

Ultimately, the staurolite It is one of the most attractive stones in the world. If you acquire one of your own, you will feel very lucky.

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