Microcline: Meaning, Properties and Uses

The microcline is a mineral from the group of tectosilicates, a subgroup of silicates. Johann August Friedrich Breithaupt, a German mineralogist and professor, was the first to describe this stone in the year 1830.

Its name comes from the ancient Greek mikros (small) and klinein (inclination), to refer to the slight inclination of its crystals with monocyclic symmetry.

The mineral microcline is one of the most important resources in the glass and ceramic industry, and its occurrence is quite common in multiple locations globally. Next, we invite you to learn much more about this valuable mineral.

Properties and characteristics of the mineral microcline

The mineral microcline is a potassium aluminum silicate whose chemical formula is KAlSi3EITHER8. Its most common colors are white, cream, light brown, yellow, light blue, reddish brown, pink, greenish blue, deep green and green.

It can sometimes appear in multicolored shades of white and green. It can also exhibit a color sheen known as adularescence. The green variety of the microcline is named amazonite. The hardness of microlin is 6 on the Mohs scale. For her part, the transparency is translucent to opaque, and the luster is vitreous.

microclinePhysical and chemical properties
Chemical formulaKAlSi3O8
Group, ClassSilicates, Tectosilicates, Feldspar Group
CompositionPotassium Aluminum Silicate
ColorWhite, cream, light yellow, light brown, reddish brown, pink, light blue, blue-green, green, deep green.
crystal systemtriclinic
Transparencytranslucent to opaque
specific gravity2.5 – 2.6
Fractureuneven conchoide
complex testssoluble in hydrofluoric acid
Most striking featuresCrystalline habits, perfect cleavage and hardness.
EnvironmentMost often in pegmatites, it also rocks metamorphic, hydrothermal veins, and sedimentary conglomerates.

Along with orthoclase and sanidine, microlin is polymorphic. All three minerals make up the potassium feldspar group.. Although they are almost identical in physical characteristics, their crystalline structure is different.

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The microcline has a triclinic crystal system, while the sanidine and orthoclase system is monocyclic. Also, microcline crystals are usually larger than orthoclase crystals.

Meaning and metaphysical properties of the microcline stone

Amazonite, the green variety of the microcline, can be used as an ornamental “spiritual” stone once it has been polished. Popular belief states that this stone has the ability to filter the information that reaches the human brain to favor intuition.

According to some cultures, the microcline favors mental balance and allows understand the positive and negative side of things. It is also believed that he contributes to increase creativity in art projects.

Likewise, the amazonite is known as “the stone of success and abundance”, since it is believed that attracts good fortune and money.

It is important to clarify that all these statements belong to popular belief and in no way have to do with scientific studies that support them.

Origin, formation and deposits of the mineral microcline

The microcline stone forms multiple twinned crystals and a pair of groups of fine lamellae that form a right angle to each other. This characteristic distinguishes it from other feldspars.. Its formation is common in pegmatites, granites, and hydrothermal veins.

In this sense, occurs during cooling of orthoclase, a tectosilicate mineral that igneous rock shape. The abundance of this type of rock makes the microcline a common mineral throughout the world.

The most outstanding deposits of high-quality microline crystals are found in Malawi, Namibia, Argentina, Pakistan, Italy, United States and Canada. On the other hand, the dark green amazonite variety comes from Russia, Brazil, Myanmar and Ethiopia.

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Microcline Uses

Microlin is commonly used in the porcelain and ceramic manufacturing. To produce these materials, the mineral is heated to high temperatures and melts, having a behavior similar to that of cement.

On the other hand, they can make glazes for use on porcelain Y electrical insulators, or serve as a base in glass manufacturing. The green colored amazonite, after being polished, can serve as gem or ornamental material.

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