Blue Topaz: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Blue topaz is one of the most beautiful minerals in the world, with different characteristics and properties. Now, you may not know much about one of the most prominent precious and semi-precious stones. Therefore, we invite you to analyze in detail all the aspects that we will be developing.

One of its main characteristics is its striking brilliance, which gives it gem quality. Over time, numerous properties have been attributed to it, whether energetic or spiritual.

Of course, it is important to note that such applications do not have scientific confirmation. Despite this, many people continue to use topaz for healing purposes, citing success. Either way, it’s a spectacular mineral, being a work of art of nature.

Properties and characteristics of the blue topaz gem

This gem consists of an aluminosilicate that is formed by fluorine fumes. These come off in the crystallization of igneous rocks, so they are usually found in pegmatites with hydrothermal veins and amounts of rhyolite.

Its crystals originate in a well-developed way, which is why its use is quite common in jewelry, as a precious stone.

Blue topazPhysical, chemical and characteristic properties
chemical classificationSilicate, Nesosilicate
StripeColorless: harder than streak plate.
diaphanousnessTranslucent to transparent.
cleavagePerfect basal neckline.
Mohs hardness8
specific gravity3.4 to 3.6
diagnostic propertiesHardness, prismatic crystals, sometimes striated, cleavage, specific gravity.
Chemical compositionTo thetwoYesO4(F,OH)two
Associated mineralsfluorite, quartz
crystal systemorthorhombic
ApplicationsGemstone, Mohs hardness index mineral.

Mineralogical composition

The stone blue color topaz It is a gem belonging to the group silicates and nesosilicates, having the composition Al2SiO4(F,OH)2. As we already indicated, and as its name refers to, its main color is blue. However, it can present slight features in yellow, brown, green and pink.

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On the other hand, it is located in the rhombic crystal system and the crystalline habit prismatic. Its hardness level on the Mohs scale is 8, with a subconchoidal to uneven fracture. Likewise, its luster is vitreous, with a colorless streak and a surface that goes from transparent to translucent.

Deposits of the blue topaz stone

This is one of the varieties spread out and beautiful in nature and it is possible to find it in different parts of the world. However, the most important deposits of the mineral they are located in Brazil, Russia and Afghanistan.

On the other hand, it is also possible to find the stone in Sri Lanka, China, Namibia, Madagascar and the United States of America.

Blue Topaz Stone Meaning

The name given to this gem has a curious origin. First of all, the word topaz is associated with the Topazos Island, which is located in the Red Sea. Previously, it was thought that the topazes came from this place, but this statement was later denied.

Actually, these deposits were not topaz, but olivine, a mineral that has similar characteristics. Be that as it may, the term topaz originates from the Sanskrit language, whose translation is fire or heat. Obviously, fire generally has shades of blue, associated with the mineral.

Esoteric properties of blue topaz

As we mentioned at the beginning, this is one of the precious stones and semiprecious with more uses. While it is true that its properties are empirical claims, many people have obtained supposed benefits. However, before describing the most widespread beliefs, it is important to remember that they are not scientifically confirmed.

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In any case, if you want to obtain information about its properties, you do well to read the following section.

Therapeutic applications

This gem is associated with the fifth and sixth chakra, so it is usually used for meditation. As a consequence, it is thought to tune in to one’s own wisdom and provide a better visualization of the future. Being a stone with blue characteristics, it is linked to the smoothness, balance and communication.

It is also said to enhance understanding, making people much more discerning.

Spiritual meaning

The blue ore It is considered a stone that transmits abundance, generosity and joy to anyone. Therefore, it is common to find this gem in houses with the aim of provide refills and strengths spiritual. Of course, many also attribute physical healing to it.

It is believed that it favors self-awareness, improving the connection with the interior. It is used to overcome limitations, helping to achieve difficult objectives in a shorter time. It is also thought that it serves to discover wealth inside, connecting with values, such as the love, optimism and confidence.

Blue Topaz Uses

Taking into account its popular beliefs about energetic and healing properties, it is common to see it as an amulet. It is used in necklaces, bracelets, rings or pendants at home, very similar to what is done with blue quartz. However, its use as a precious stone, decorative object and jewel is more widespread, without any energetic or spiritual application.

On the other hand, certain laboratories subject the topaz to specific treatments to obtain different finishes. Some are heat, irradiation and coatings with metal oxides. As a result, the hue is modified, presenting slight variations in its original color.

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It is thanks to these treatments where the swiss blue topaz and the London blue topazes. Generally, they are the ones most commonly found in shops.

Other varieties of topaz

starting from blue topaz mineral, it is possible to obtain other varieties in terms of color. For example, when covered with a light layer of metallic oxide a very striking pink color is produced. Similarly, certain inlays give it an iridescent appearance, allowing the gem to change color depending on the sunlight.

This variety is known as mystic topaz, switching between blue, purple and pink.

Is blue topaz radioactive?

You may be wondering if the radiation that topaz is subjected to to produce its blue color is dangerous. Well, we indicate that although a certain level of radioactivity is produced, it decreases at the end of the laboratory treatment. Therefore, it can be used with complete safety for the jewelry making and retail.

Buy now the blue topaz gem

This mineral is one of the most beautiful and elegant in the world, ideal for collectors. If you are looking for a copy of precious and semi-precious stones matchless, the blue color topaz is for you. Therefore, go to the nearest jewelry store to buy your own.

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