Prasiolite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

If you want to add a new specimen to your collection of precious and semiprecious stones, choose Prasiolite. If you do not know what its characteristics and properties are, we invite you to read this article. In this way, you will have all the information related to one of the most beautiful minerals.

The mineral Prasiolite is a green colored variety of quartz, consisting of a silicate, specifically a silicon dioxide chemical, which basically comes from thermal heating to 500°C of the amethyst stone.

Most of the stones are used in jewelry, although they are also attributed esoteric properties. However, there is no exact scientific verification that verifies these affirmations.

Be that as it may, it is one of the nature’s rarest stones, where it is possible to change its color through heat treatment. When an amethyst is subjected to high temperatures, orange or yellow hues are usually obtained. It is difficult to reach a green color, so this is a rare gem, being sought after by collectors.

Mineralogical characteristics

The Prasiolite is a mineral It is made up of oxygen and silicon atoms. It belongs to the trigonal crystalline system, creating a six-sided prism that ends in the shape of a pyramid. Generally, the best formed crystals are created in an origin with unrestricted growth.

Its streak is white, with a transparent to opaque appearance and a vitreous sheen. Its fracture is conchoidal, presenting brittle tenacity and a hardness level on the Mohs scale of rank 7.

Important deposits

First, this mineral is not found naturally in a deposit. Actually, you must undergo a heat treatment until it obtains its green hue. Therefore, it is necessary to extract the conventional amethyst and then carry out the corresponding procedures.

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The deposits of this gem are in Uruguay, Russia, the United States, Namibia, Sri Lanka and Mozambique.

Meaning and properties of the Prasiolite gem

The ore Prasiolite It is a stone that is associated with peace and harmony, providing certain spiritual and emotional benefits. It is thought to promote personal growth, fostering compassion, love, and the liberation of the mind.

There are those who believe that it allows a connection to be made with the Mother Earth and sync with spirit and energy.

Prasiolite Stone Uses

Taking into account the previous supposed spiritual properties, it is common to see this stone as an amulet. It is also placed as a decorative object in the home, with the aim of drive away bad energy, in this aspect its uses and properties are similar to green quartz and green agate.

On the other hand, its most common use is in the gemstone range Y semiprecious. So, if you want a beautiful specimen for your collection, be sure to buy one of the most outstanding minerals on the planet.

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