What is a volcanic eruption? The definitive guide

A volcano is defined as a geological structure, similar to a mountain, that is located on the Earth’s crust. It has an entrance, technically known as a crater, where all the volcanic products come out and where volcanic eruptions occur.

Volcanoes can basically be divided into extinct, dormant, or active. The problem of these geological structures arises with volcanic eruptions.

If you want to know a broader meaning about volcanoes, their characteristics, how they are formed and their parts, we recommend you go to a special article about it, by clicking here.

What its a volcanic eruption?

A volcanic eruption is basically the activity by which a volcano expels lava, gases and pyroclastic products into the atmosphere and on the earth’s crust, this expulsion can be violent or not, depending on the chemical composition of the magmatic material that was at hand. depth and was ejected.

It is so, for example, if in the magma chamber where the ejected materials come from, they have a felsic or acid chemical composition, the volcanic eruption will be explosive or violent, because that magma will contain more gases, pressure and viscosity.

While, if the material in the magma chamber is of mafic or basic composition, the volcanic eruption will be fluid or effusive and not very violent, because there are fewer dissolved gases and it is less viscous.

Therefore, this term is used when an explosion occurs in an area related or linked to the specific volcanic edifice and said geological structure (volcano) emits from ashes to gases and liquids, among other volcanic products.

Do you want to know more about this topic? Continue reading this article where we provide you with all the information.

Why do volcanic eruptions occur?

This phenomenon can occur for various reasons, depending on the activity in the earth’s crust and tectonic plates.

At converging edges

One of the ways in which it occurs is when two tectonic plates collide or make contact. In this sense, one of these plates moves or slides below the other.

This phenomenon is known as plate subduction and occurs in the convergent plate margins.

While this happens, inside the convergent zone and the crust there is an increase in temperature that, with the help of water, generates partial fusion of the rocks of the subducting lithospheric plate and of the upper mantle.

This partial fusion generates magma that, due to pressure difference, tries to go to the surface and accumulates in the magma chambers and later tries to leave through the volcano.

It is there when this magma begins to rise, thus causing the famous volcanic eruption.

The Volcanic eruptions they are detected immediately because they begin to expel different agents. Among them is mainly lava and pyroclastic products, which are various visible materials.

See also  Different Types of Volcanoes: A Quick Guide

In addition, this geological formation emits waste, molten rocks, dust, gases. The latter can be solid, toxic or liquid.

On diverging edges

The previous way of producing this explosion occurs in the plates known as convergent.

However, another way that volcanic eruptions occur is other tectonic plates related to divergent plate boundaries.

For the eruption and the expulsion of the lava to happen, these plates in particular begin to isolate or separate, due to the rise of magma that thins the oceanic crust.

At the moment that they are distanced, at that point, a fault is originated in the area, that is to say, a fissure or crack that is known as oceanic ridges.

It is through these cracks or oceanic ridges in which the molten material, waste and gases begin to come out to the surface, proof of this is the well-known pillow lavas.

It is worth mentioning that the highest percentage of volcanic eruptions occurs on these divergent edges associated with these geological structures (oceanic ridges).

If you want to know more about what an oceanic ridge is and why it is formed, you can click here.

Through hot spots

Also, volcanic eruptions can occur in so-called hot spots in the earth’s crust. In this particular case, magmatic activity or magma generation occurs in the lower part of the tectonic plates.

The masses of molten rock travel several kilometers from the source and exit through the crater where it is possible to see the eruption.

Keep in mind that hot spots can also originate in the oceanic crust and when this happens it is possible that the so-called volcanic islands are created, an example of this is the Hawaiian Islands.

What are the consequences of a volcanic eruption?

The sites where these geological formations are present must be taken care of. Both authorities and citizens have to be vigilant in case any volcanic activity occurs.

These eruptions can generate consequences, we summarize some of them that you will take into account:

Consequences for people

When they are active, people who live or stay nearby must always be protected. For the inhabitants the consequences are very varied.

The volcano has the ability to emit rocks and these can fall loudly on the citizens.

It is also possible that the gases cause serious damage to individuals when they are exposed for a long time. How are they harmed? These toxins can be detrimental to the dermis and other parts of the human body. This would cause burns and inflammation.

consequences of the environment

The environment is also affected by the activities of the volcanoes. That is, they bring consequences to the surrounding areas such as forests, green areas, places where there is water and buildings. They are capable of destroying buildings that are in the surroundings or at a certain distance.

See also  The Fiery Fury: Types of Volcanic Eruptions

Although this will depend on the level you have and the state of it. Conditions in the vicinity of the incident become difficult. Highways, roads and areas undergo negative changes. Therefore, the necessary provisions must be made from the moment they are identified.

What to do before, during and after?

A volcanic eruption it becomes distressing, so that people can fall into despair. It is important to be serene, calm and listen to the recommendations of specialists on the subject. You can prepare or follow these tips before, during and after the process.


The first thing you should do is know exactly where the dangerous volcanic areas are located. Then you have to identify how far or close your home is located. From there, he begins to draw up a plan in case an eventuality occurs or a problem arises.

You should always have a bag or suitcase ready with different tools that will help you. Put in it essential objects such as medicines, food, liquids, flashlights, documents and batteries. Have clothing on hand that works for you to protect yourself.

There are places where drills for these and other similar eventualities are scheduled. We advise you to participate in each of them in order to know how you should act. These plans are fundamental because they prepare you and teach you to react from wherever you are.


This is perhaps the most stressful stage, so we suggest you get as far away from the risk area as possible. Follow the instructions issued by local authorities. Get as far away as possible from areas where there is water, such as rivers or waterfalls, since they are the most vulnerable.

If you must leave your home, you have to resort to the shelters that are enabled at that time. When leaving your home remember to wear the correct clothing. Protect your home by disconnecting appliances and storing the essentials in the garage. Check the news that reaches you to skip the false ones.


After the incident passes, you must continue the security recommendations, since you should not trust yourself. We suggest that you wait a reasonable time to leave the house or shelter, depending on your situation. If you must go out, travel or drive through areas where they have not suffered much damage.

Always check the notifications from the authorities to know which spaces are dangerous and which are not. People who begin to feel symptoms of diseases should go to medical centers. It is important that before, during and after the process you lean on your relatives.

See also  Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)

What dangers are there during a volcanic eruption?

Different volcanoes can cause unpleasant effects. Although they will depend on the place, category or type that it is. Similarly, the consequences will be felt when the volcanic structure is active or at rest.

The common dangers are: human losses, environmental deterioration and material damage.

But there are also other dangers and risks that derive from the agents that emerge from the phenomenon of the volcanic eruption as such.

For example, the most common are lahars (exits of mud, liquids, or debris), ash fall, and pyroclastic flows—expulsion of stones (rocks) and rock avalanches.

Other drawbacks are telluric movements.

Also, fires are possible and if they are located near the sea tsunamis can occur and near the water table they can generate very explosive eruptions.

An everyday risk is the expulsion of chemical compounds such as sulfur, carbon monoxide, and other toxic gases.

There are other risks known as lava flows and extensive pyroclastic flows (combination of many residues).

Can a volcanic eruption be predicted or prevented?

Many users and people wonder if it is possible to predict a volcanic eruption. However, this is one of the most debated topics and one that generates the greatest interest among the population. There are different mechanisms that make it possible to detect if a volcano will become active.

For this, scientists or volcanologists must constantly examine the area where said natural formation is located. Through its behavior they can determine if it will cause an eruption.

Some of these eruptive signs include constant tremors near the volcano, emission of visible gases (CO2 smoke and water vapor), emission of invisible gases (can only be measured by special equipment already installed) and the estimation of an eruptive recurrence period of the volcano. volcano in question.

Any of these signs that are considered abnormal can lead to a volcanic eruption.

The authorities must also be attentive to possible changes. When they suspect it, you have to take the appropriate prevention.

Therefore, a volcanic eruption cannot be predicted exactly when it will occur, but there are signs that give us an idea of ​​when that eruption is very close to occurring.

What are the benefits of volcanic eruptions?

They have various benefits to take advantage of them, among them is the increase in the tourism sector. This is because many people are attracted to travel to nearby sites to observe them or take photos. ade

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