Malachite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Malachite is a mineral from the group of carbonates, with the chemical formula Cu2(CO3) (OH)2, it is the most common secondary mineral found in the oxidized zones of copper deposits, associated with azurite, cuprite, copper native, bornite, calcite, chalcopyrite and a variety of iron oxides, its use is widespread as a minor copper ore, precious stone, etc.

Properties and characteristics of the mineral malachite

malachitePhysical properties and characteristics
ClassCarbonate (Basic Copper Carbonate)
BrightnessAdamantine to vitreous in crystals, silky in fibrous varieties, matte when earthy. It is also opaque, adamantine.
ColorShining green
Chemical formulaCu2(CO3) (OH)2
Chemical compositionCuO=71.9%, CO2=19.9%, H2O=8.2%, Cu=57.4%
Specific weight or density3.9-4.03 g/cm3
Cleavage or exfoliationPerfect basal cleavage according to {001}, perfect in one direction, is sometimes observed.
FractureIrregular, uneven, subconchoidal, fibrous.
crystalline systemmonoclinic.
Way of introducing yourself (habit)Slim binoculars. Generally in radiating fibers, forming botryoidal or stalactitic masses, in some cases granular or earthy.
Origin or geological environmentMost common secondary mineral found in the oxidized zones of copper deposits.
associated rocksSedimentary (Limestone)
Associated mineralsAzurite, cuprite, native copper, bornite, calcite, chalcopyrite, and a variety of iron oxides
ApplicationsMinor copper ore, precious stone, pigments, sculptures.

The malachite was one of the first ores to produce the metal copper. At present it is a secondary copper ore, small amounts of this metal are extracted and its price is higher in other uses.

It has a green color that does not fade when exposed to the sun or over time, and this mineral is easily crushed to be turned into a powder and used as a pigment.

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It has a highly variable habit. Usually found as crystalline aggregates or crusts, often banded in appearance, like agates. It is also found as botryoidal clusters of radiant crystals and mamillary aggregates.

Individual crystals and groups of distinguishable crystals are rarely found, usually these crystals have acicular to prismatic habits. In addition, it is often found as a pseudomorph after azurite crystals, which commonly have a tabular habit, or as an alteration pseudomorph after cuprite.

Malachite stone meaning

Within the esoteric realm malachite stone It is one of the most striking and one of the most famous, all due to its beauty and because a lot of magical and even healing properties have been attributed to it, but these have no scientific verification.

The malachite stone is considered as a specimen of the new age of Aquarius, which therefore has the ability to help with the evolution and expansion of spiritual consciousness. It is believed that it activates the intuition and facilitates the reception of information.

Modern meaning of the malachite stone

Currently the malachite stone is symbol of Health Wellness In addition, it is used as a amulet to attract good luck and money. It is also a symbol of freshness, nature and environment.

esoteric properties

It is believed to accelerate our evolution, expand consciousness, draw light and information into the Aura, guide us in our ascension process, and help resolve past life issues.

It is also associated with the purification of our energy field, it eliminates miasmas and stagnant energies, in addition, it increases contact with our Higher Self.

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Origin, formation and geological environment

It originates at a shallow depth in oxidation zones of copper veins, precipitates from descending solutions in caverns, cavities, fractures, and intergranular spaces of porous rock.

Limestone often forms within, which can create a favorable subsurface chemical environment for the formation of carbonate minerals.

It is the most common secondary mineral found in the oxidized zones of copper deposits.

malachite thin sheet

Malachite optical properties:

  1. Color: Very bright mauve green, usually with variations from light green to dark green.
  2. Type: Biaxial (-).
  3. Pleochroism: visible.
  4. Dispersion: relatively weak.
  5. Interference colors: bright gray if individual crystals, usually bright green masked by mineral color.
  6. Surface relief: Very high.

How to identify the mineral malachite?

The most striking characteristic of the mineral is its green color, all the specimens are green, ranging from pastel green to bright green and very dark green, even almost black.

They are generally found on the surfaces of underground cavities as botryoidal coatings and stalactites, similar to the caves where limestone is deposited.

This mineral is rarely found as a crystal and is usually bright green in color, a vitreous to adamantine luster, translucent, and acicular to tabular in shape. Otherwise dull specimens have a dull to earthy sheen.

Due to the fact that it is a green mineral and with a high specific gravity of 3.6 to 4.03 due to the copper content, it makes it a striking property and easy for its identification. Also mentioning that it has a low hardness of 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale.

In addition, it is one of the few green minerals that when placed in cold diluted hydrochloric acid produces effervescence.

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Malachite uses

Like copper ore

Use of ornamental material in the manufacture of veneered tabletops, vases, etc.

Precious stone, for its banding of various shades of green.


In pigments

It is one of the green pigments that has been used for thousands of years, this mineral can be easily crushed making it an excellent material for making pigments. It holds its color well, does not fade when exposed to light over time, so it blends easily with vehicles.

Malachite in jewelry and as a gemstone

It is a very popular mineral as a gemstone due to its vivid green color, brilliant shine when polished, and banding.

It is cut to make cabochons, beads, inlays, ornamental objects are sculpted and it is used to make tumbled stones. Small boxes made from sheets of this mineral are very popular and attractive.

Spectacular specimens of this gem are those that include inlays, growths, and a mixture with other copper minerals such as azurite (azurmalachite), turquoise, chrysocolla, and pseudomalachite.

Its use as a gem is limited due to its properties: low Mohs hardness from 3.5 to 4, perfect cleavage, reacts with weak acids and is sensitive to heat. Therefore, care is required in the repair, maintenance and cleaning of this material.

Sometimes this mineral uses wax to fill in small holes and give it a better shine.

Synthetic malachite can be recognized by its bands and eyes, as these are noted to have no natural geometry and are often recognized by their unnatural color.

Malachite as an ornamental stone

Due to its striking colors and its various forms of presentation, this mineral is attractive to collectors and to the craft industry, which uses it to create decorations for homes, in the group of ornamental stones.

Malachite stone curiosities

The Egyptians used malachite as an eye remedy and Cleopatra used it to enhance her personal brilliance.

In Italy, it was used by ancient alchemists to have revealing dreams to help understand complex concepts.

The crowns of the pharaohs almost always had malachite, as they were convinced that it broadened their spiritual vision.

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