Sodium: Properties and Characteristics

Sodium is considered the sixth most abundant element on the planet and comprises at least 2.8% of the Earth crust. Furthermore, it is the most common and abundant alkali metal.

Atomic number11
Atomic mass22.990
Discovered bySodium was discovered by Humphry Davy

It is a fairly reactive chemical element and it is found forming various types of minerals including halite (sodium chloride – NaCl), in addition, it makes up 80% of the dissolved components of seawater.

Now you know why sea water is salty and where common salt comes from, also sodium can be used to improve alloys, for soaps, in the purification of molten metals and in sodium vapor lamps, you can learn about all the uses of sodium in the following link.

The chemical element sodium appears as a reactive soft metal with a low melting point and has a silvery color similar to silver. However, when exposed to the environment it rapidly develops a dull gray sodium oxide crust.

Here we present the most important properties and characteristics of sodium.

Properties and characteristics of sodium

Sodium propertiesDescription
atomic numbereleven
atomic weight22.9898
melting point97.81 °C (208 °F)
Boiling point882.9 °C (1,621 °F)
specific gravity0.971 (20°C)
oxidation states+1, −1 (rare)
electronic configuration2-8-1 or 1s22s22p63s1

1. Physical properties

Sodium is a metal with silvery hues that change color as it interacts with air.

Its state of aggregation is solid, when it is in normal atmospheric conditions.

Sodium has a density of 968 kg/m3, its melting point is 98°C. While its boiling temperature is from 883 ° C.

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2. Chemical properties

Chemical properties of sodiumDescription
Atomic numbereleven
State at 20 ° CGas
Electronic configuration[Ne] 3 s1
Melting point97.794°C, 208.029°F, 370.944K
Boiling point882.940°C, 1621.292°F, 1156.090K
Density (g cm−3)0.97
relative atomic mass22,990
key isotopes23Na
CAS number7440-23-5

At the atomic level, sodium is made up of 11 protons and an equal number of electrons and 12 neutrons.

This element has a great chemical reactivity, so it is almost impossible for it to be found in its pure state.

Sodium can produce violent combustion when reacting with aqueous solutions (water, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and sulfuric acid).

Also reacts with water releasing sodium hydroxide, hydrogen and heat.

When oxidized, sodium can spontaneously combust, producing an intense yellow flame.

3. Where it comes from and how it is extracted

Sodium is part of sea and ocean water, while its most abundant mineral is common salt, also known as haliteor rock salt.

The leaders in pure sodium production worldwide are the United States and France, but China is the largest producer of common salt.

Sodium is obtained through electrolysis through sodium chloride, this process is called the Downs process.

4. Where on the planet does it abound?

Sodium is the sixth element with the greatest presence on the planet, representing 2.6% of it and making up 80% of the elements found dissolved in the sea.

This item is ionically available in the ocean, in sea salts, in cellular metabolism and in a mineral known as halite.

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A study carried out affirmed that sodium is abundant in space and is contained in stars.

5. Functions in the human body

As it is widely known, sodium is part of table salt, so it is an electrolyte with important functions in the body, especially in the muscles and nerves that require this mineral for proper functioning.

Sodium too participates in the control of blood pressure and blood volume, It also intervenes in the osmotic balance.

Sodium is found in food and its regular consumption is enough to meet the established recommendations, rather, the majority of the population has an excessive salt intake in their diet.

The high levels of sodium in the organism generate a lack of control in it, since the kidneys are overloaded in their functions when trying to eliminate the excess, triggering kidney problems and high blood pressure.

6. Benefits to technology

This element has a participation in the generation of electricity through atomic energy, since molten sodium is used as a cooling agent due to its high thermal conductivity.

Also, sodium is an important component of the photoelectric cell system, as they use the sodium vapor for street lighting.

7. Benefits in men

Although it is a widely used element, its The greatest benefit in the organism is that it regulates the medullary processes for life.

In the same way, its most universal compound is table salt, which gives a special flavor to life, since it is used in the vast majority of homes in the world.

8. Important uses

Probably the best known use of sodium is in the food industry, since it forms sodium chloride, known worldwide as common salt. It is used to intensify the flavor of food.

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Salt is a product that is present in the pantry of every home in the world.

9. Personal hygiene

Sodium compounds such as salts are used for the manufacture of soaps and deodorants. While sodium fluoride is used as antiseptics.

10. Most used compounds

Compounds from this metal are widely used worldwide.

These are sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium citrate, sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda, sodium nitrate and sodium thiosulfate, among many more.

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