Yellow Gold: Meaning, Characteristics and Uses

Yellow gold is one of the most sought-after precious metals on the planet. It is used for different purposes, where jewelry is one of the most benefited. For this reason, we invite you to learn about its characteristics, properties, uses and meaning.

What is yellow gold?

Yellow gold is a precious metal that belongs to the group of native minerals, but it is much more than that. Actually, it is a chemical element of the periodic table, which is symbolized with the initials o. It is characterized by being very bright, and that is where its Latin name comes from, being the meaning of aurum, being the variety of pure gold.

The atomic number of gold is 79 and has a specific weight of 19.3 gr/cm3 and an atomic weight of 196.967. belongs to the transition metals, being located between platinum and mercury. His appearance is yellowish and shiny that even holds up when alloyed with other products.

Gold characteristics

It’s a non-ferromagnetic, unreactive metallic element, which is why it is ideal for the manufacture of many objects. It is possible to melt and regain exactly the same hardness when it cools down. For many years it was used for the purpose of producing coins and today it has become an essential material in jewelry.

Gold is generally found underground in alluvial deposits. These are in the forms of small accumulations or nuggets, both together with other minerals and in total purity.

Physical properties

To date, it consists of the most malleable and ductile discovered by humanity. Therefore, it is perfect for jewelry and ornamental molding. The melting point is 1064 degrees Celsius, which makes it easy for casting to work on a large scale. Also, gold is a great conductor of electricity and heat.

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However, it is important to clarify that in its pure state it is very soft, so it is hardly usable in most industrial fields. To make handling easier, it is essential alloy it with other metals with the purpose of hardening it.

Be that as it may, it is an extremely resistant material to oxidation Yet the corrosion.

Chemical reactivity

As we already mentioned, the chemical reactivity of gold It is very small in most cases. However, the opposite occurs with bleach, chlorine, cyanide and mercury, which are compounds and minerals that are used to identify the presence of the metal.

On the other hand, gold can be dissolved with alkaline and acidic compounds specific. Pure gold is practically harmless and does not cause side effects on the skin or health.

Origin of yellow gold

The origin of gold is still uncertain, since it is not an element that can be produced on the planet. In fact, it is thought that its origin is due to the chemical fusion that existed between star iron and the heavy metals in the formation of the planet.

Both scientists and alchemists have tried to produce gold through lower metals and chemical compounds. Unfortunately, it is something completely impossible. The amount of gold present on the planet is constant and infinite.

Gold began to be used by man approximately in the copper age with commercial and ornamental purposes. Subsequently, it spread to Chinese culture and for millennia it has been one of the most demanded mining extraction and marketing activities.

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Uses of gold

The most widespread use of gold is in jewelry, a branch in which it can be seen in numerous accessories. Earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, the possibilities are numerous. However, apart from decoration, it is also used in other fields of industry.

For example, it is one of the most useful components in electronics, since it consists of an excellent conductor. It is resistant to corrosion, making it very effective construction of electronic equipment.

It should not be forgotten that gold is one of the materials that was used for the construction of dental amalgams and dentures. Finally, gold salts are very effective in treating arthritis.

Meaning of yellow gold

The Golden colour has always been associated with wealth, abundance and power, being the representative symbol of said qualities. For this reason, it is very common for this material to be used for the construction of jewelry, national emblems and trophies.

It is also linked to the happiness in life, representing success over the years. Likewise, it is associated with fidelity, so much so that the 50th anniversary of marriage is known as golden wedding.

Is yellow gold the best of all?

Even though that him Yellow gold It is one of the most elegant and exquisite, it is the one with the least resistance. When combined with other metals it is more robust and strong.

The White gold it is much more expensive, of higher quality and with more exotic materials. On the other hand the pink goldor red gold It is cheaper and very resistant, although somewhat less sophisticated.

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Either way, classic gold is spectacular in every way.

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