Cat’s Eye Stone: Meaning, Properties and Uses

In this article you will learn all the relevant information about the cat’s eye stone, one of the most impressive attractions of nature. For this reason, we invite you to pay maximum attention to its characteristics, properties and applications. In this way, you will become familiar with one of the most attractive precious and semi-precious stones.

What is cat’s eye stone?

First of all, it must be clarified that there is not a single cat’s eye stone in the world, since it is a name that is attributed to different minerals. It is actually an optical effect that is caused by thin, fine fiber inclusions of other minerals.

As a result, light is reflected in a single band, giving way to a very striking gemstone. Be that as it may, the best known mineral with this characteristic is the chrysoberyl and it is thus that the cat’s eye stone is a type of chrysoberyl. It is the mineral with cat eye effect most impressive, strong and distinctive among the precious and semi-precious stones.

For this reason, when such an effect is mentioned, it is usually directly associated with chrysoberyl.

Mineralogical characteristics

The effects of light and color are produced in the rocks belonging to the group of oxides with composition BeAl2O4. Vertical reflection is caused by parallel fiber inclusions. Generally, they appear in varieties of chrysoberyls, as we already mentioned, but also in quartz, tourmalines, garnets, beryls, among others.

They belong to system trigonal or hexagonal crystalline, with a massive crystalline habit. The Mohs scale hardness level ranges from 8 to 8.5, with conchoidal fracture, no exfoliation, white stripe and vitreous luster. The transparency is translucent, with a specific gravity of 3.5 to 3.8

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cat eye stoneProperties and characteristics
ColorBlue, red, green, yellow, orange, brown, pink, purple, gray, multicolor
Chemical formulaBeAl2O4
class, groupoxides, chrysoberyl
Crystalline systemorthorhombic
Refractive index1744 – 1755
Specific weight3.5 – 3.8

Important deposits

The main sources of the cat eye rock are located in Brazil. However, there are also many specimens in China, India and Zimbabwe, but it is still the main source of obtaining it in Latin America.

This stone is not improved or treated in laboratories, rather it is sold in its pure form.

Cat’s Eye Stone Meaning

Over the years, many people outside the scientific field have attributed numerous virtues to it. However, their spiritual and esoteric meaning It is not proven, but simply an empirical experience. Either way, it is a stone associated with the cleaning and protection.

As a result, many people carry this gem as an amulet, talisman, and symbol, depending on the situation.

Properties of the cat’s eye gem

Considering your assumptions magical powers, many people use the stone to ward off bad energy. It is used to purify the aura, the body, the mind and the heart. Likewise, it is linked to chakra number six with the aim of enhance meditation and intuition.

It is also believed that it promotes personal confidence, as well as serenity. In the same way, it is said to be an excellent treatment for heal disorders eyepieces. Of course, medical expertise should never be substituted for an unproven alternative treatment.

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Uses of cat’s eye stone

Obviously this is one of the precious and semi-precious stones more attractive, thanks to its optical effect. Therefore, it becomes an excellent piece of jewelry of all kinds. There are different finishes and intensities in its color, which changes the final price of each copy.

It is a very common mineral in necklaces, bracelets, rings, pendants and all kinds of decorative objects. As we have already indicated, there are also those who resort to the gem as a material of protection and healing.

All about cat’s eye chrysoberyl

The intensity of this effect varies from weak to strong, depending on the characteristics of each rock. Therefore, the intensity and quality of the color band play an indispensable role in the final valuation of the stone precious.

The most desired effect is that of bright light and direct Although it is somewhat difficult to find. On the other hand, it is important that you do not be fooled when acquiring a gem. Remember that this name is given to different minerals, but not all are as valuable as the chrysoberyl.

Before deciding on any precious stone or semiprecious Check what mineral it is and don’t just look at the optical effect.

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