10 Characteristics and Benefits of Tidal Energy

Before starting and regarding the topic, you should check the importance of tidal energy for a broad view of this topic in case you have no clue since I don’t want to repeat it over and over and I want to go straight to the point.

Characteristics of tidal or tidal energy

It is a clean energy

The use of energy through the tides does not generate any type of pollution to the environment, rather by producing this type of electrical energy that is completely clean, it contributes to reduce the use of fossil fuels for electricity generation.

In this sense, this energy source helps to minimize the effects and consequences of climate change on the planet.

Also, another ecological characteristic of this energy is that it is completely silent, so it does not produce sound pollution to the environment. You can learn about all the benefits of tidal energy by clicking here.

It needs a great infrastructure and technology

The great economic impact of this energy source is the construction of its utilization plants, since they are mega civil infrastructures located in a coastal area.

In the same way these plants They last many years to be built, due to the size and complexity of this type of work.

It is of natural origin

Tidal power is achieved using the tides that are caused by the forces of gravity exerted by the moon and the sun.

In this sense, this energy source comes directly from nature and its generation is practically free, since there is no use of raw material nor is it necessary to use inputs that is consumable for energy production.

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It is renewable because the sea tides are always present

This energy comes from the water of the oceans that will always be available for its use as raw material, in the same way the use of the tides does not decrease or alter them, so the tidal movement will always be present for its productive use without changing.

Let us remember that the sea in this particular case is a renewable energy resource that will never run out over time.

Its production will always be constant

This energy source will always generate energy, since the force of the tides will constantly move the turbines that generate electricity.

It happens because water has a thousand times more density than air, so it will always have energy production.

This point arises from the comparison between wind and tidal energy, the latter being more efficient in this particular situation.

Of great capacity, but very little developed

Tidal energy, if it were fully developed, would be capable of fully supplying all energy production worldwide, according to experts in the field of energy.

This is because its capacity to produce electricity is very large, only if plants were built in the most optimal places for the use energy through the force of the tides.

But, this type of technology, despite its potential, has not had a great industrial development, since its use does not even represent 1% of world energy production.

It does not depend on the weather or decreases at a certain time of the year

Tidal energy does not depend on weather conditions or other external agents that can raise or lower its energy production.

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The energy use depends largely on the amount of tides and the elevation applied in the dam system, so that the generation of electricity can be satisfactory and profitable.

Another point of vital importance in this particular topic is that not all the world’s coasts have adequate conditions for energy generation, because there are certain requirements in the movement of the tides that must be met.

Plants have a long lifespan

Energy use plants are mega infrastructures that can last for many years producing energy, without there being a decrease in their levels of electricity generation.

There are already several examples of these statements today that assume that these types of plants are very profitable over the years and that their useful life can be more than 50 years.

Its maintenance is minimal

The energy use plant and the generation systems require little maintenance for their proper functioning.

This data is important for the general cost structure, for the financial feasibility studies necessary for the construction of this mega civil structure.

It can generate some environmental impacts

The construction of energy use plants generates a great impact on the maritime ecosystem, since man makes an enormous intervention in the natural habitat, which in its particular is very harmonious and calm.

Likewise, activities related to energy use generate changes in the salinity of the waters, which affects the life of the fauna and flora near the power plants.

Also, this work has an enormous visual impact on the coastal environment, since it makes a great intervention in a place that is visually very attractive for being an almost paradisiacal natural space.

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