Aragonite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

This article briefly explains all the characteristics, properties, meaning, formation environment, paragenesis and uses of aragonite.

What is the mineral aragonite?

The mineral aragonite or also known as aragonite, is basically a calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that is considered a polymorph of calcite, if we look at their characteristics they are quite similar.

Calcite and aragonite

Both minerals are natural and quite common polymorphs of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), however, they basically differ in that aragonite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system while calcite orein the trigonal

In addition, they differ in terms of the geological environment of formation, so that aragonite is formed at a temperature below 100 ° C while calcite is stable at a higher temperature.

Properties and characteristics of aragonite crystal

The aragonite ore it is quite similar to calcite in terms of its physical, chemical and characteristic properties.

For example, its low hardness stands out on the Mohs scale, which is between 3.5 and 4, in this case it is a little harder and more resistant than calcite.

Its composition and chemical formula is also CaCO3, that is, it is made up entirely of calcium carbonate.

The most common colors that aragonite appears in are white, yellow, brown and reddish, however due to various impurities it can also appear in green, blue and violet.

Below is a summary table with all the most important physical, chemical and characteristic properties of this mineral.

aragonite or aragoniteProperties and characteristics
mineral informationCarbonate, aragonite group
Chemical compositioncaco3
ColorWhite, yellow, brown, reddish, blue, green, violet
Stripecolorless, white
Mohs hardness3-1/2 to 4 (Mohs)
crystalline systemorthorhombic
Density or specific weight2.94
refractory index1,530 – 1,685
common impuritiesSr, Pb, Zn

Aragonite stone meaning

For many years in the past, people have related aragonite to truth, understanding and the correct perception of reality.

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In addition, they have also associated it with the correct nutrition of the body and spirit, with freedom, tolerance, clarity, confidence and insight in order to solve everyday problems.

Metaphysical and esoteric properties of the aragonite stone

Due to its physical and chemical properties, it is said that aragonite crystal It has the ability to promote truth, understanding and enhance the correct perception of the environment.

It is believed that it is a stone that manages to enhance emotional freedom and mental clarity thanks to the improvement of tolerance and self-confidence, which also allows us to find solutions to problems.

Thanks to this, it is also believed that the aragonite stone It is ideal for providing stability and empowerment to the cloudy emotions of adolescents, it promotes the correct channeling of their energies.

Finally it is highlighted that the aragonite stone It has been used by various cultures to improve self-esteem and self-confidence.

Aragonite uses

Uses of aragonite in jewelry

Because this mineral can occur in beautiful orthorhombic crystallized shapes and beautiful colors including green, orange, yellow, brown, reddish, purple, and even white, it is quite attractive to artisan jewelers in creating of bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces and many more accessories.

In addition, due to its low hardness, it is very easy to polish this stone, however, greater care must always be taken because, like calcite, this mineral is calcium carbonate, which makes it not very resistant to wear.

That is to say that the jewels or gems made with this crystal must be constantly taken care of to avoid wear.

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Esoteric uses of aragonite

People who believe in the energetic powers of this stone use it to:

  • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Promote tolerance, emotional freedom and mental clarity
  • Being able to solve everyday problems
  • Emotional stability in adolescents

It is also believed to be a talisman or gem that attracts positive energies and empowers them much more than other stones.

Ornamental uses of aragonite stone

Finally we can mention that, like calcite, the aragonite crystal often occurs in large masses that are very attractive to collectors who carry these stones to decorate houses, buildings and mineral museums.

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