Rubellite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Rubellite is the red or pink variety of elbaite, the most valuable form of tourmaline stone, a mineral from the silicate group. Nevertheless, not all pink tourmalines are considered rubellite, since this variety is attributed only to the brightest and most saturated stones.

Name rubellite comes from the Latin rubellus, which means “red”. Since ancient times, rubellite has been prized by gem lovers due to its various shades of pink and its close similarity to ruby. a highly sought after piece of jewelry.

If you want to know more details about this interesting mineral, including uses, continue reading.

Physical and chemical properties of rubellite stone

Being a variety of elbaite tourmaline, rubellite contains borosilicate of sodium, aluminum, silicon, oxygen, hydrogen, boron, and lithium. Its chemical formula is Na (Li, Al)3To the6(BO3)3Yes6EITHER18(oh)4.

This mineral contains a wide variety of pink shades, from the faintest to the most intense and reddish. The degree of transparency is variable, and can be from transparent to translucent. Hardness is 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, while the shine is vitreous.

RubelliteCharacteristics and properties
CLUSTERSilicates – cyclosilicates, tourmaline group
COMPOSITIONNa(Mg,Fe,Li,Mn,Al)3Al6(BO3)3Si6 018(OH,F)4
COLORDeep red, deep pink and brilliant
CRYSTALLINE SYSTEMhexagonal / trigonal
CRYSTAL HABITprismatic, acicular
FRACTUREfrom unequal to conchoidal
EXFOLIATIONNull, does not present
TRANSPARENCYFrom transparent to translucent

Many times, Rubellite is confused with ruby ​​and red beryl.. However, both minerals surpass rubellite in hardness and lack the characteristic vertical striations of the vast majority of rubellite pieces.

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The crystal system of rubellite is hexagonal., with prismatic, striated and elongated crystals. Likewise, it occurs as short and thick crystals. Most crystals have a rounded cross section, and tabular crystals are considered rare.

The aggregates can be radiating, columnar, botryoidal and in compact masses. In some cases, crystal growth can be disrupted by the host rock.

Meaning and metaphysical properties of the rubellite gem

Rubellite is considered by multiple esoteric beliefs as a stone for Stimulate love and vital energy. On a mental level, the stone is considered to be able to promote positive thoughts and remove fear and worry.

In essence, it is believed that the rubellite stone can increase inspiration in multiple aspects of daily life, including social interaction with other people. In this way, it also contributes to maintaining a harmonious climate within any work team.

It is important to clarify that these statements have no scientific verification. These are properties beliefs attributed by different cultures over the years.

Origin, formation and deposits of the mineral rubellite

The occurrence of rubellite occurs almost exclusively in pegmatitic deposits (igneous rocks). The most outstanding sources of the mineral are located in Brazil, specifically in the Jonas mine, Itatiaia, in the state of Minas Gerais.

Likewise, the province of San Luis and Tucumán, in Argentina, the state of Colorado (USA) and Ontario (Canada), have important locations.

Other places in the world where this mineral is found is Afghanistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Nigeria, Madagascar and Italy.

Rubellite Uses

Rubellite gem is commonly used as gemstone jewelry. The popularity of this mineral has increased since the 1990s, which has resulted in very high prices to acquire the gem.

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rubellite stone can be subjected to all types of cuts and shapes for use as an ornamental stone, like the other elbaite gems.

Due to the special aesthetics of fine rubellite crystals, it is also considered an attractive gem by collectors. In fact, its fine crystals have been considered some of the most beautiful in the mineral kingdom.

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