The importance of Biomass energy on different aspects

Bioenergy or biomass energy is an energy source that comes from the use of organic matter, which is mostly waste. It is generated through direct combustion or by the transformation of these remains into other substances to be used as fuel.

Firstly, thermal energy is obtained from biomass for domestic, agricultural and industrial applications, and secondly, electrical energy can be obtained under more complex technological processes that have gradually gained space, especially in European countries.

Below we explain why biomass energy is important for the planet, industry and for life.

Importance of biomass energy for living beings

Biomass is a renewable, safe and practically inexhaustible source, in addition to causing little waste and most of those that can be generated are biodegradable.

It is positive for the environment and for living beings, as it is a friendly energy source that contributes to the reduced dependence on fossil fuels as a way to get energy.

Importance of biomass energy for humans

Obtaining energy from biomass is very economical; its price is well below other fuels.

It also has an economic benefit for rural sectors by generating jobs and minimizing food production costs.

Bioenergy guarantees financial savings to human beings and especially to those who are engaged in rural activities, an area in which this energy source is widely used.

Importance for the planet and ecosystems

Biomass power generation helps to solve one of the great problems of the planet which is the final disposal of waste, because they are used to obtain energy.

On the other hand, it greatly cooperates with the ecosystem, since its carbon dioxide emissions are minimal.

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Importance of biomass energy as renewable energy

There are multiple ways to obtain energy through the use of biomass, which is why it is considered a very diverse and accessible source of renewable energy.

One of them is based on the production of thermal energy under direct combustion. From there, heat is generated that can be used in different applications and steam is also obtained for industry or to generate electricity.

Likewise, under other technological processes, biofuels, biodiesel and bioethanol are obtained, which can be used as fuels in vehicle engines.

Importance of biomass energy in agriculture

One of the sectors that benefits most from biomass is agriculture, because it provides thermal energy to the multiple processes operational.

In addition, with the application of certain technology, biofuel such as methane can be obtained, very useful for the livestock or agricultural sector.

It also contributes to agricultural development by lowering operating costs for food production and fostering the generation of new jobs.

Another application of biomass in agriculture has to do with the use of generated ash in combustion processes: it can be used as fertilizer.

Importance in construction

Modern buildings generate a high energy consumption, they also emit greenhouse gases, given their heating system.

In the design and construction of new works, heating equipment using biomass is being installed, which allows energy consumption to be reduced to zero, in addition to avoiding emissions that are harmful to the environment.

Importance for the economy of the countries

for being a economical, ecological, accessible and practically inexhaustible source of energy, many countries around the world have chosen to use biomass as an alternative method of energy generation.

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In Europe, the construction of biomass power plants continues, with the largest in the world already operating, located in Finland, England and another in Poland.

Germany is the country with the highest consumption of energy obtained through biomass, in this Nation it is a profitable business because it generates large income for companies in charge of promoting its use.

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