Classification and Types of Minerals, Schemes and Examples

In this section we show you all the minerals that exist in the world, the same ones that have been ordered according to their color, classification or group, by their characteristics or properties, by their benefits and uses, and even according to their names. (in alphabetical order).

What are minerals?

For a geologist, a mineral is a solid of natural origin, formed by geological processes, which has a crystalline structure and a defined chemical composition, in addition, almost all minerals are inorganic.

Geologists can identify minerals because they have distinctive physical properties. Now, let’s understand each component of the definition of a mineral a little better, let’s separate this definition and examine its meaning in detail.

Minerals are solid : A solid can hold its shape indefinitely, and therefore will not conform to the shape of its container. Liquids (such as oil or water) and gases (such as air) are not minerals

Minerals are inorganic substances : This means that a mineral does not come from a living organism. Wood and pearls are created by living things and are therefore not minerals. Likewise, sugar is an organic substance and is not a mineral.

Minerals occur naturally : True minerals are formed in nature, not in factories. Those “minerals” created industrially are synthetic, that is, they are false minerals.

Minerals have a definite or ordered internal crystalline structure. : It means that the atoms in a mineral crystal are arranged in a systematic and repeating pattern.

A mineral has a definite chemical composition. : This means that if it is a mineral it will be possible to write a defined chemical formula. Some minerals are only composed of one chemical element such as Gold (Au) and others will be composed of more elements, such as quartz (SiO2).

Classification of minerals based on groups

In nature there are more than 3000 minerals, and its classification could become a headache, however, geologists and mineralogists have reached an agreement, where the different types of minerals according to the following table, which divides them into 8 classes. By the way, this classification was initially proposed by Dana of Yale University in 1848.

Geologists, gemologists and mineralogists have managed to distinguish different types of minerals taking into account their physical and chemical properties, so they have grouped all the minerals in the world into various groups. In general, minerals can be classified or divided into silicates and non-silicates.

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This classification is already accepted by all mineralogists worldwide. in turn the silicates They are divided into several groups: Tectosilicates, Nesosilicates, Sorosilicates, Inosilicates, Cyclosilicates and Phyllosilicates.

While the no silicates They are divided into the following groups: The native elements, sulfides, oxides, carbonates, halides, nitrates, phosphates, sulfates, and borates. These groups have been classified as such because they share similar physical and chemical properties and characteristics.

Native Elements Group

The native elementsThey are all types of minerals that are made up of only one chemical element, that is, they occur as native elements in nature. Geologically they are classified into metallic, non-metallic and non-metallic native elements.

Sulfide Group

The sulphide mineralsor sulfides are all those that have been formed due to the chemical combination of sulfur with some metal, these minerals are of great importance in the mining industry because they contain metals of economic interest such as copper, lead zinc.

The Silicates

Most of the minerals that occur in the earth’s crust are the silicates, these minerals are made up of the polyatomic anion [(SiO4)4-] as tetrahedrons joined with other metallic and non-metallic elements.

carbonate minerals

The group of carbonate mineralsThey are all those that are made up of carbon, oxygen and a metallic element due to the chemical combination of the anionic complex (CO3)2-. From the group of carbonates the calciteand the dolomiteThey are the best known minerals.

Sulfate group

Sulfates are made of sulfur compounds combined with metals and oxygen. It is a large group of minerals that tend to be smooth and translucent like baryta.

Phosphate Group

Phosphate minerals are characterized by the chemical combination of the anion (PO4)3- with other chemical elements. Phosphates are not as common in occurrence as the other families of minerals. They are often formed when other minerals are weathered and are brightly colored. the most common phosphate mineral is apatite.

Minerals Oxides and Hydroxides

The group of oxides and hydroxides are formed from the combination of a metal with oxygen. This group ranges from opaque minerals such as bauxite to gems such as rubies and sapphires.

Halide group

Halides are formed from halogen elements such as chlorine, bromine, fluorine and iodine combined with metallic elements. They are very soft and dissolve easily in water. haliteis a well-known example of this group.

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types of minerals

The different types of minerals that occur in nature can be associated and classified according to the similar characteristics that they have among themselves and their uses or applications in the industry. The types of minerals are described below according to the following graph.

You will have noticed that there are several types of minerals that are not correctly appreciated in the classification by groups of silicates and non-silicates. These minerals can also be classified or divided according to similar characteristics and uses into:

  • metallic
  • Not metallic
  • Submetals (metalloids)
  • nutritional
  • industrial
  • precious stones
  • Semi precious stones
  • ornamental
  • radioactive
  • energetic
  • Argillaceous (clays)
  • mineraloids

Actually, these various groups and types of minerals, but there can be a lot more types, for example, minerals could also be classified according to their color or shape, however, we consider the types of minerals listed as the most representative.

Types of Metallic Minerals

Metallic minerals are characterized by being excellent conductors of electricity, thermal conductors, for having a metallic shine and because they are generally very malleable.

These metallic minerals are also associated or known as metallic native elements, since they occur in nature without being chemically combined with no other chemical elements. The most important examples of this group of minerals include gold, silver, copper, zinc, and lead.

Types of non-metallic minerals

The types of non-metallic minerals are those that also appear in nature forming only one chemical element, the examples most important are the diamondsand the graphite, both are chemically composed only of carbon (C)

Precious and semi-precious stones

Precious stones are those minerals that are used in the jewelry industry and are marketed as gems that vary in price according to the type of precious stone. Here diamonds stand out as the most valuable minerals used as precious stones on the market.

Gems and precious stones, names and photos

Types of Industrial Minerals

Other mineral classifications or types of minerals are those known as industrial minerals. This means that they have several uses in different types of industries, so their exploration by mining companies is very common due to the high economic return they can generate.

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These minerals are also important because they have an infinite number of applications in daily life, ranging from construction to making medical products.

Types of clay minerals

Another classification of minerals includes types of clay minerals, in this case there is a very broad group and it is because clay minerals are quite extensive because they are formed by processes of erosion, weathering and diagenesis that affect any type. of rock.

However, although clay minerals are quite extensive in the sedimentary record, they actually form in very restricted geologic settings.


Mineraloids is the term used for those substances that do not fit perfectly into one of these eight classes and that is why they are not minerals as such, since they do not have a defined chemical structure and formula.

Opal, jet, amber and mother-of-pearl belong to the mineraloids

  1. Limonite: Properties, Characteristics and uses
  2. Obsidian: types, properties and uses
  3. Opal stone: Meaning, properties and uses

Types of Radioactive Minerals

All these minerals are those that are generally not stable in nature and their decomposition emits radiation that can be dangerous in the environment for both human beings and all living things.

The most common examples are the uraninite(uranium ore), actinium, rare earths and thorium (radioactive native)

Nutritional minerals

To a nutritionist: Minerals also have a nutritional meaning, which is different from the meaning used by geologists. A nutritionist uses the word mineral when referring to the many inorganic substances that organisms need to grow, repair tissues, metabolize, and carry out carry out other bodily processes. Mineral nutrients for the human body include: iron, calcium, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium and many others.

Minerals according to their color

If you do not know what mineral or precious stone you have in your collection, or you do not know what gem or crystal you have found and the only visual information you have is its color, then I invite you to enter this list where minerals have been classified taking into account count its color or brightness. So you can compare with the one you have and possibly know the name, its properties, benefits, meaning and even the uses.

redsgreenpink or pink

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