Labradorite: Properties, Meaning and Uses

Labradorite is a mineral that naturally belongs to the feldspar group, specifically to the Plagioclase group, in fact it is a fundamental part of the Bowen series in the formation of minerals.

This mineral is characterized by the fact that it presents to the naked eye spectacular iridescent colors ranging from dark blue and even white.

Due to its beautiful iridescent colors, its hardness, its brilliance and its rarity, it is widely used as a precious stone, where it is called “labradorite stone”.

Finally, this stone is highly valued because it is believed to have several energetic and esoteric properties that are described in this article.

Properties and characteristics of the mineral labradorite

Below we present a summary table with the physical, chemical properties and the most important characteristics of the mineral labradorite.

labradoritePhysical, chemical and characteristic properties
class, groupSilicates, Tectosilicates, Plagioclase
ColorUsually clear, white, or gray in reflected light. Labrador retriever colors can include blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.
GlossVitreous, pearlescent on cleavage faces
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
cleavageTwo perfect cleavage directions that intersect at about 86 degrees
Mohs hardness6 to 6.5
specific gravity2.68 to 2.72
Diagnostic propertiesHardness, cleavage (twinning and labradorescence only shown in some specimens)
Chemical composition(Na,Ca) (Al,Si)4O8 with Na (30-50%) and Ca (70-50%)
crystal systemtriclinic
ApplicationsPrecious and energetic stone

In the case of labradorite ore Its hardness stands out on the Mohs scale, which is between 6 and 6.5, which makes it very resistant to wear and tear, and this characteristic is important when you want to use it as a gem.

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The color in the labradorite

The most striking and valued thing about the labradorite stone is its color, so some specimens of this mineral usually have strong iridescence, which makes it appear in various colors between blue, green, red, orange, and even yellow.

Such is this rarity that this specific phenomenon of this crystal has been dedicated and defined as “labradorescence”, the samples that possess this property are usually used as precious stones of high value.

Types of labradorite

In general, labradorite is divided into several types according to its dominant color, for example there are blue, red, green, white, yellow, etc., and it is due to the iridescence property that this crystal presents.

Origin, genesis of the labradorite stone

The labradorite ore It naturally forms from the crystallization of magma, and in fact, is part of the discontinuous Bowen series of plagioclase, where labradorite crystallizes third and theoretically forms part of basic igneous rocks.

However, this stone can be found forming igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, however it is more common to find it as a primary mineral of mafic igneous rocks such asbasalt, gabbro, norite and anorthosite.

In metamorphic rocks it is found in gneiss that has rocks that have already had labradorite in their composition as protolith.

Therefore we can conclude that this mineral mainly forms basic igneous rocks that crystallizes from magma at an intermediate temperature of 800°C to 1000°C.

Esoteric properties of the labradorite stone

Many people believe that crystals, stones and minerals such as labradorite have energetic and even healing properties and for this reason they use them for this purpose.

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energetic healing properties

Many people use this mineral to enhance the improvement of the lungs and with respiratory problems, also in digestion and as an interesting regulator of metabolism.

It is also used because people believe it helps with premenstrual symptoms, that is, it is said to reduce symptoms and pain.

Finally, it is also believed that it reduces blood pressure and, above all, sensitivity to cold.

Energetic properties for the mind

People who believe in its power affirm that this stone helps to enhance the imagination, in addition, it attracts positive energies that help to restore the joy of the mind, through the desire for adventure and routine changes.

It is also believed that labradorite promotes clarity of thought and intellectuality, wisdom and intuitiveness that serve to have critical thinking, also helping to have self-confidence.

Labradorite and energy balance

The labradorite stone It is characterized by the fact that it radiates a predominant blue crystal energy that mainly stimulates the throat area, the voice of the body. Thanks to this characteristic, the flow of energy through the body is possible. And therefore there is an easy flow from the lower chakras to the higher art in a natural release.

Energetic and spiritual meaning

The labradorite It is a symbol of self-discovery and is an excellent complement for the awakening of self-awareness, inner spirituality, intuition and psychic abilities.

The labradorite stone is recognized as the most powerful protector of all minerals, because it creates a protective force for the aura and greatly strengthens the body’s natural energy from within.

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In addition, it is a protective stone from bad vibes, negativity and crises that occur in the world.

Uses of the mineral labradorite

The uses and applications of this mineral are so varied due to its beauty and resistance, in addition, people who believe that this stone has esoteric powers give it more importance.

Labradorite as a gemstone

The mineral labradorite in the world of jewelry or gemology is considered a precious stone of great relevance due to its unique combination of colors due to the property of labradorescence and its high hardness that gives it great resistance.

In fact, the crystals that are more beautiful and have more intense colors are the most valued and those that reach a better price in the gemstone market, these specimens are known as spectrolites.

Labradorite is rarely traded in jewelry stores as a common gemstone, rather it is considered a unique piece that is usually used for custom designs, meaning jewelers work to order.

In any case, this stone is usually a fundamental part of accessories such as bracelets, chains, pendants, rings and earrings, but which are unique in their class.

Labradorite in construction

The labradorite It is usually part of an igneous rock known as anorthosite.

Anorthosite is a basic plutonic igneous rock that usually has a phaneritic texture (large and visible crystals) and is typically rich in plagioclase. In many cases, labradorite makes up a large percentage of the plagioclase in the rock, which causes the rock to take a very striking iridescent appearance which makes it attractive in the construction industry as an ornamental stone.

In this case, this stone is used to create top quality tiles and coverings for houses, buildings and shopping centers.

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