Sphalerite: Properties, characteristics and uses

Sphalerite is a mineral that belongs to the group of sulfides and is an important ore for the extraction of zinc (Zn), in addition, it is characterized by the fact that it occurs in various polymetallic deposits such as veins, skarns, low-sulfidation epithermal and volcanogenic massive sulfides (VMS).

Characteristics and properties of the mineral sphalerite

sphaleriteblendeCharacteristics and physical properties
class, groupSulfides (zinc iron sulphide), the blende it is purely zinc sulfide.
chemical formula(Zn, Fe)S, blende (ZnS).
Chemical compositionZn (67%), S (37%), but iron can replace Zn up to approximately 31%.
cleavagePerfect in six directions.
Mohs hardness3.5 to 4.
Density or specific weight3.9 to 4.1 g/cm3.
BrightnessNon-metallic, resinous, sub-metallic and sometimes adamantine.
ColorIt is transparent when it is pure and green when it is almost pure. But it comes in yellow, brown and black, sometimes red
StripeBrown to light yellow.
crystalline systemCubic.
Origin and geological environmentMedium temperature hydrothermal.
associated rocksIgneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
Associated mineralsChalcopyrite, pyrite, galena, calcite, quartz, epidote.
ApplicationsZinc ore, galvanizing iron, obtaining brass, batteries and paints.

The sphalerite pure is transparent or colorless and almost pure is green, however, these varieties are very rare, because they always have a tendency to present iron impurities.

For this reason, this mineral is found from brown, yellow, reddish and black (this variety being very common).

Regarding some physical properties, it is characterized by having a density between (3.9 to 4.1 g/cm3), the Mohs hardness is between 3.5 to 4, its brightness is mainly resinous to submetallic and its fracture is conchoidal.

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An identifying characteristic is that its stripe color is brown to light yellow and its cleavage is perfect in six directions.

The formation temperature is intermediate in a hydrothermal (mesothermal) environment, that is, between 200°C to 300°C.

Spiritual meaning of the sphalerite stone

The sphalerite stone, Also known as the stone of magic, it can protect you from negative energies and attacks involving any type of black magic, reversing this attack to your emitter with twice the strength.

It is a powerful purifier of mental energy, which eliminates the feeling of isolation or alienation. It strengthens the nervous system and alleviates environmental illnesses.

Alleviating homesickness, it is the perfect anchoring stone for people who think that Earth is not their true home.

Origin and geological environment of the mineral sphalerite

The sphalerite wave blende It is a mineral that forms in an intermediate temperature hydrothermal environment (mainly mesothermal), between 200°C and 300°C.

It is a primary constituent in various types of mineral deposits or mineral deposits that originate from interaction with hydrothermal fluids.

Therefore, the occurrence of the sphalerite ( blende ) stands out in veins in low sulphidation epithermals, volcanogenic massive sulphides (VMS) and skarns, all of them associated with any type of rock.

In massive sulphides it appears associated with copper (chalcopyrite, bornite), gold and silver.

While in low sulphidation veins it occurs with gold, silver, lead (galena) and copper (chalcopyrite, bornite).

While in skarns it appears with carbonates where the sphalerite It mineralizes as a replacement mineral in cavities together with galena, dolomite, calcite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite.

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Sphalerite in copper exploration

As is known, the accumulation of sphalerite or blende will produce a ZINC (Zn) geochemical anomaly.

In geological copper exploration, zinc will be forming distant halos around possible porphyry copper deposits, especially around those that are Cu-Au enriched.

Therefore, when zinc is seen to form a halo around copper and gold anomalies, it is recommended that exploration be concentrated towards the center of the Zn anomaly.

The dispersed concentration of Zn in relation to that of Cu occurs because the sphalerite is concentrated in fractures far from the porphyry, since this mineral is mainly associated with veins and veinlets.

And these veinlets or veins tend to be superficial or far from the main mineralization center, due to their high mobility.

How to identify the mineral sphalerite?

As mentioned the sphalerites waves blendes they almost never appear pure in their chemical composition, if so, they should be transparent or green. However, it almost always has amounts of iron that can replace zinc by 30% in the chemical composition.

Thus, the higher the iron content, the sphalerite It will darken until it becomes black. Sometimes a red variety may appear, but then how do we identify this mineral?

It is basically identified because it has a brilliant resinous shine and its perfect exfoliation in six directions. It should also be mentioned that the dark variations have the color of the reddish brown stripe and it is always lighter than the mineral itself.

Also, take into account that the hardness is low and is around 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale. This mineral commonly appears with galena, so you could get it confused.

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But keep in mind that galena has a lower hardness (2.5), it generally appears in the form of cubes, it is much heavier (density 7.6 g/cm3) and the streak color is typical lead gray. Then you can tell the difference.

Sphalerite Mineral Uses

The uses associated with this mineral refer to the exploitation of zinc.

  • The sphalerite either blende It is the main ore for the exploitation of zinc worldwide.
  • In addition, it almost always occurs with galena, which is an important ore of lead.
  • It is also used for galvanizing of iron (zinc).
  • To obtain brass.
  • Finally, it can be used for the manufacture of paints, conservation of wood and the manufacture of some medicines.
  • When it occurs well crystallized and of a size that exceeds 1 centimeter in length, it can be used as a precious stone or ornamental stone.

Metaphysical and esoteric uses

For energetic protection, purifying the Aura, elevating your spirituality and increasing your personal brilliance, wear a Sphalerite jewel in your daily life.

To improve the energy of the environment, attract spiritual energies and transmit peace to the place, choose a good size Sphalerite and leave it in your room.

If you want to use its therapeutic effects, get close to the place you want to treat for 30 minutes to 1 hour and visualize a yellow light covering the region.

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