The 12 Most Important Uses of Sodium and its Benefits

Sodium is widely used for organic synthesis, as well as as a reducing agent. In the same way, it is a component of sodium chloride, vital for terrestrial life. Over the years, scientists have studied its composition to give it numerous applications.

Before going into details, it must be clarified that sodium is a chemical element from the periodic table. It is symbolized with the initials Na and corresponds to atomic number 11. It was discovered in 1807 and it is an alkaline metal, very abundant, soft and unctuous.

Below we describe the uses of sodium most important to humanity.

Uses of sodium in obtaining gold

Being a alkali metal, its use as an alloy component is very common. One of the clearest examples is in the antifriction, specifically for obtaining gold.

This technique consists of obtaining the precious metal goldfrom the use of polysulfurized metals through ammoniacal solutions of sodium trisulfate. This technique is performed in the presence of cupric ions and is a non-toxic alternative to cyanidation.

Uses of sodium in deodorants

Sodium is a component that achieves absorb bad odors, just as it happens with salt. In combination with numerous fatty acids, it is effective for the manufacture of deodorants.

Uses of sodium in the chemical industry

In this case sodium is used as sodium hydroxide. This sodium-based compound is widely used to make detergent soaps, paper, explosives, pigments and petroleum derivatives in the chemical industry.

Industrial uses of sodium

It is also used in the processing of cotton fibers, in electroplating, in metal cleaning,
oxide coatings, electrowinning and as a pH adjusting agent

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As with many metals, sodium is a excellent driver of electricity. Consequently, it is used in the construction of photo or electric cells.

in molten metals

In harmony with the previous point, sodium is used in the metal purification. Specifically, it is common in cast elements in order to eliminate impurities.

Uses of Sodium with Potassium

The sodium potassium alloy It is very effective in heat transfer. It is also used as a desiccant for organic solvents.

Uses of sodium as a refrigerant

The alloy of potassium with sodium at room temperature has a liquid form. In this sense, it is possible to use this material as refrigerant in household appliances and electronic devices.

Sodium in alloy with lead

Another of the most frequent alloys in the industry is lead with sodium. Previously, it was the antiknock additive in gasoline service stations. However, at present there are few places that resort to these chemicals.

Illumination systems

It is an aspect linked to the previous one that is related to the conductivity that sodium receives. In alloy with different metals, depending on the application, they can be make steam lamps.

Uses of sodium as oxide

The oxides that are generated with a combination of sodium and oxygen They are used to exchange carbon dioxide in the air. Therefore, oxygen is regenerated in closed places or spaces. One of the clearest examples is submarines, where the access to oxygen it is quite scarce.

Uses of sodium in the body

Apart from its scientific applications, sodium is an essential element for life. It plays a vital role in cell metabolism, maintaining the body’s volume. In addition, participate in nerve impulses, muscle contractions and in the balance of acids in the body.

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On the other hand, it is the chemical element that is responsible for the membranes absorbing nutrients from food.

Other uses of sodium

Sodium can be found as common salt, the classic one to flavor food. Subsequently, it is diluted by the human body through sweat and urine. There is also the sodium bicarbonate, a compound widely used to detoxify, clean, stain, among others.

The caustic soda It is another of its variants, normally intended for cleaning ovens and drains. Likewise, the sodium tripolyphosphate it is a component present in detergents, soaps and products that sweeten hard water.

Lastly, the compound sodium erythorbate It is an excellent preservative for soft drinks and meats.

The great benefits of sodium

Undoubtedly, sodium is one of the chemical elements most important to humanity. Regardless of whether it is intended for industrial use or daily, its applications have become a necessity.

If you want to continue learning more about the uses of chemical elements, visit this portal.

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