Danburite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

If you like precious and semiprecious stones, today you are going to discover Danburite, one of the most attractive. Next, we will analyze all its characteristics, properties and uses, both at a mineralogical level and in the everyday field. For this reason, pay maximum attention.

What is Danburite?

The Danburite crystal is a mineral, specifically calcium borosilicate, belonging to the sorosilicate family and having a greater hardness than transparent quartz. It consists of a source stone metamorphic or magmatic, depending on the specimen.

It is one of the most striking natural products and sought after by collectors because it comes in transparent, violet and yellow tones. Besides, it is a very resistant crystal and easy to cut into jewelry.

Apart from that, certain powers have been attributed to him over the course of time. Sure, none of his magical properties are scientifically proven, but they’re still popular. Regardless of whether you believe its meaning or not, he is a extremely beautiful mineral.

At this time, we will describe all its particularities.

Mineralogical characteristics of the crystal

danburiteProperties and characteristics
CLUSTERSilicates – sorosilicates
COLORcolourless, yellow
FRACTUREFrom sub conchoidal to unequal
BRIGHTNESSVitreous to fatty
TRANSPARENCYFrom transparent to translucent

It belongs to the group of silicates and sorosilicates, with a chemical composition CaB2Si2O8. It is a colorless rock, although in certain specimens it is seen in yellow colors. It is part of the rhombic crystal system and the prismatic crystal habit, with a hardness level of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale.

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Its crystals are prismatic, and in most cases they end in dipyramids. The fracture is subconchoidal to uneven, with imperfect cleavage and a white streak. Finally, the brightness goes from vitreous to fatty, a rock that passes from transparent to translucent.

On some occasions, this rock is confused with topaz, because they have similar characteristics.

Important mineral deposits

This mineral can be found in different parts of the world, being quite common. However, the most important deposits are located in Czech Republic, Russia, state Joined, Swiss, Myanmar, Mexico and Japan. There are likely deposits elsewhere, but they are not as abundant.

Danburite Gemstone Meaning

As we have already mentioned, its benefits on a spiritual level lack scientific verification. Even so, it is said that this mineral has a constant, lively and high-quality vibration. Therefore, it helps enhance the awareness, favoring the planes spiritual and physical.

It is also thought that aligns the heart chakra with the rest of them, especially the superiors.

Danburite stone properties

It is one of the minerals associated with serenity, peace of mind and patience. At the same time, it would manage to foster the connection with the internal guide, a very practical action when making decisions. On the other hand, there are those who mention that it facilitates the understanding and assimilation of profound changes.

In theory, it helps to release old karmic programs in order for the human being to take a new direction. They are also attributed healing properties especially as detox stone. It is recommended to treat allergies, skin diseases and chronic conditions.

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Uses of danburite stone

Taking into account its previous characteristics, it is a highly sought after stone in the field of meditation. It looks like amulet, talisman and spiritual symbol, although they are not its most important applications. Actually, its main use is for jewelry, so it is seen in rings, bracelets, necklaces, practically in all types of clothing.

In short, it is one of the precious and semi-precious stones most attractive on the planet. If you are a collector, this copy cannot be missing in your showcase.

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