Coral stone: Meaning, properties and uses

Coral stone is a biological formation that develops quite slowly. In fact, scientific studies show that it only increases in size by one millimeter per year. However, it is found in large numbers, as the popular coral reefs exist on numerous seabeds.

It is one of the few biological specimens they are rock shaped. Corals grow on hardened calcium carbonate structures and can be seen in many varieties of hues. The most searched are red, blue and black, which have the highest valuation in the market.

When mineral fossils such as coral stone are found, they are treated into gemstones to be sold on the market to gemstone collectors.

It must be made clear that they do not belong to the group of precious stones and semiprecious longer lasting, but they do have impressive appeal. They stand out for having a natural and spectacular shine, as well as for their translucent properties.

mineralogical characteristics

The corals stand out for their intense colours, either in black, blue or red variants. It is also possible to find specimens with slight shades of orange, grey, pink, red and white. They have a hardness level of 3 to 4 on the Mohs scale and belong to the amorphous crystal system.

They are composed mainly of carbonate minerals, among them the mineral calcite dominates, hence it reacts to exposure to hydrochloric acid and its hardness and resistance are low.

Its transparency goes from translucent to opaque and have a refractive index ranging from 1.48 to 1.65. Finally, depending on the specimen, the luster can be waxy or vitreous.

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Important deposits

As you can imagine, the most important deposits of this specimen biological They are found in the depths of the sea. In fact, the specimens with the best quality and intense colors are seen at about 45 meters underwater. The main sources of extraction of this stone are the Antilles, the Pacific Islands and Australia.

Coral Stone Meaning

Even though it’s not one of the precious and semi-precious stones which are considered gems, have been attributed deep esoteric meanings. However, it must be clarified that these alleged powers lack scientific information. In reality, they are popular beliefs that have spread generation after generation.

Be that as it may, the coral is linked to the planet venus, and is also associated with the water element. This living organism is transformed into organic stone through a mineralogical process. For this reason, believers believe that it is a stone of transformation, which also helps to receive energy.

Coral stone properties

This stone is associated with the fertility and protection, being a highly sought after object to improve health. It is also thought to have the power to remove the evil eye. Likewise, many people turn to the rock to attract good fortune, relieve discomfort and eliminate crying.

On the other hand, it is believed that it is an excellent incentive to face complex situations, promoting tranquility and calm. Finally, it is considered a source of life, action and positive energy.

Uses of coral stone

Taking into account its theoretical benefits already analyzed, it is common to see corals as talismans, amulets and symbols of protection. They are hung in offices, rooms, houses and any kind of room to obtain their supposed properties. However, the most relevant application, and the only one certified, is in the manufacture of jewelery objects.

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Being such an attractive piece, with translucent and shiny features, it earns a very good valuation in the market. The most expensive coral of all is that of black color, but still affordable compared to numerous jewels.

Buy the coral stone

Although corals are not gems, they serve to expand the collection of precious and semi-precious stones. You will be able to enhance the beauty in your showcase, without forgetting that they become a nice gift.

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