Tektite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Tektite is a unique and amorphous type of natural glass with a rounded shape and of non-volcanic origin, in fact scientists affirm that they have been formed by the impact of meteorites on earth. Due to its high silicon content, this mineral belongs to the group of silicates, but it is also considered a mineraloid.

There is a wide variety of tektites that vary in size, weight, color and age, depending on where they are found. They are usually black and some pieces may be up to 35.5 million years old.

The name “tektite” is derived from the Greek tēktos, which means “molten”. For a long time, these natural glasses have been the subject of a intense investigation due to its mysterious origins.

Below, we show you all the properties that make tektite a unique natural glass.

Properties and characteristics of tektite

Tektite stone can be opaque to translucent, and the predominant colors are black, green, greenish-brown, yellowish-green, brown, and colorless. His fracture is conchoidal, with a hardness of 5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. Since tektites are natural glasses, its crystallography is amorphous.

Although the tektite has a high percentage of silicon (from 68 to 82%), its chemical and isotopic composition is similar to that of granite, basalt and greywacke (impure sandstone), or the soils that have these compositions.

Their percentage of alumina varies between 10 and 14%, with a lower percentage of calcium, potassium, iron and titanium. These elements did not combine enough to form crystals, but they went through a rapid cooling phase and formed glass.

tektite stone contain almost no water (less than 0.02% of its weight), unlike other glasses of volcanic origin.

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Meaning and properties of tektite stone

Because they originated from an extraterrestrial phenomenon (meteorite), popular belief states that tektite stone is associated with other astral planes out of our world.

It has been claimed that this natural glass can facilitate communication with other galaxies and worlds, in addition to strengthening spiritual growth towards other dimensional spaces.

In some ancient tribes, tektite was considered a tool for increase fertility of men and women. Another belief states that by touching the tektite, the soul will begin to rise and the person becomes a recipient of divine wisdom.

Because of this connection, the mineral is also used for interpret dreams, cognitive abilities and connections to the past. In essence, tektite helps steer the spirit in the right direction.

Origin, formation and deposits of tektite

Researchers have debated the origins of tektites for many years. At first, it was believed that tektites formed after an explosion on the Moon that hurled them to Earth.

However, scientists came to an agreement, and current theory holds that these natural glasses were formed by the impact of meteorites, comets or asteroids, on the earth’s surface very similar to moldavite.

The elements of the earth, which were melted by the shock, were ejected into the atmosphere and then returned to the ground and cooled, creating tektites.

tektites They have different names depending on the locality where they originated.. A large part of these minerals formed in different places before researchers could recognize that they were the same mineral.

Next, we show you the characteristics of the tektite according to the location:

  • Moldavite: Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Germany (pale or bright green color)
  • Australite: Australia (black or brown border)
  • Darwinite: Tasmanian (dark green)
  • Javaite: Java, Indonesian (black)
  • Billitonite: Billiton Island (black)
  • Indokinite: Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Thailand and Laos (black)
  • Filipinita: Philippines (black)
  • Ivory: Ivory Coast (black)
  • Libyan Desert Glass: Egypt and Libya (opaque greenish-yellow)
  • Bediasite: Texas (black)
  • Georgiana: Georgia (olive green)
  • Massachusetts Tektite: Massachusetts (olive green)
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Tektite Mineral Uses

tektite mineral It is widely used in the jewelry industry., especially for making earrings, pendants and ring stones. Because many stones have a neutral black color, their surface is wavy and their finish can be matte, tektites are elements of great visual interest.

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