Charoite: Meaning, properties and Uses

The Charoite mineral consists of a precious stone that presents lavender and violet colors. Once polished, it takes on a distinctive shine, quite similar to that of pearls. Over the years, it has been used to make exclusive pieces of jewelry.

Basically it is a mineral that belongs to the group of inosilicates and specifically to the extensive group of pyroxenes.

Different powers are also attributed to spiritual and esoteric level. Of course, none of them is scientifically certified, but they are still popular. Next, we will present all its peculiarities, so that you become familiar with an incomparable natural product.

Mineralogical characteristics

CharoiteProperties and Characteristics
CLUSTERSilicates – inosilicates
COLORViolet, dark lilac

That kind of stone belongs to the monoclinic crystal system, being classified specifically in the family of silicates. Its chemical formula is really complex and it is found in massive amorphous form in nature. It originates from limestone through a contact metamorphic process.

It has a hardness level of range 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale, with its characteristic colors lilac, purple or both, depending on the specimen. Its stripe is white, the luster is vitreous, and the exfoliation is conchoidal.

Important deposits

One of the characteristics that make this stone so valued is its difficulty to find. It can only be extracted in the Chara River, which is located at Siberia. It is a region with difficult access, with a climate that is not very favorable.

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To date, no other area has been discovered where the mineral is found. Likewise, it is from this river that the name given to the stone comes from.

Charoite stone meaning

As we already mentioned, its spiritual or esoteric meaning lacks scientific endorsement. Still, it is considered a transformation stone It helps to overcome inner fears. At the same time, it would stimulate internal vision, as well as spiritual intuition.

It is thought to synthesize the heart chakras, promote unconditional love and cleanse the aura. There are also those who look for the stone to encourage cleanliness emotional and physical. Another of its most popular benefits is that it helps to accept the present moment, despite the difficulties.

Charoite gem properties

Just like its meaning, the properties of the gem are not scientifically certified. But it is a stone that is associated with the elimination of qualities negative. Theoretically, it favors the acceptance of other people, enhances the initiative, spontaneity and vigor.

Physically, it reduces strain, remove the concern to proportionate Calm down To the mind.

Charoite Mineral Uses

People who believe in its spiritual benefits use it in the field of meditation as an amulet or talisman. There are also those who take elixir from the gem in order to cleanse the physical body and stabilize the mind. However, its highest evaluation is from the gemstone collectors and semiprecious.

It is a very rare, strange and beautiful piece of nature, with a high price. In short, a specimen coveted by lovers of minerals.

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